Wednesday, July 24, 2024

World Update - 24th June 2024 onwards

This is        Stories

See also      Taiwan's Creativity

and see      Learning

      and      Making Friends

      25 July 2024

Netanyahu in US Congress yesterday said "it is not a clash between civilisations, but between barbarism and civilisation". I hope you all understand that Israel practices barbarism and civilisation has been crushed by him in Gaza!  

There are none so stupid as those who think they are not stupid.

I repeat from my argument below (see the maps of Palestine, where you can see Israeli apartheid expanding) that Hamas are Freedom Fighters, not terrorists, though unfortunately they had to resort to violence to MAKE THE deaf WORLD LISTEN

Email to UN, Joe Biden, Keir Starmer, Xi Jinping etc        2024july23

                                            Copied to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran

Please all do your own Presidential Investigation and Confirm.

Recognise this Over Reaction ? : An Israeli Raid on an Egyptian military outpost in Gaza in February 1955, was triggered by ONE Israeli death, but 37 Egyptian soldiers were killed..... Ever heard of "make friends and influence people" and talk more? “Turning the other cheek” this time, and talking instead, could have reduced future tensions…… 

The Similar Israeli Huge Over Reaction Continuing Holocaust 2024 War in Gaza, supported by the USA's Claims Wrongly that Hamas are terrorists (they lead Health Strategy in Gaza) 

...... (and which has meant they have been DENIED HELP to Develop and Grow a Qualified Leadership there, ever since the 1917 UK imposition .....years go by frustratingly..... the Good Two State solution proposed by Hamas in 2017......builds resentment at the reaction..... 7 October 2023 attack on Israel entirely predictable!).

Israel are the Terrorists in Palestine, for they continually niggle and twitch at any Arab they see and have done for Decades! - I suspect Israeli's proselytise themselves as much better people than anyone else, and remind of that when handing out Aid in Gaza in the past, as they and the USA continue to deny them a State! And they claim ANY angry reaction was not their fault - liars!

I want the UN OUT of New York, because of ALL the Discrimination Against the Arabs since WW2 : IT is too close for chats/comfort to One Big Power, the USA, and its "local interest" News Media! - I think we should beneficially move the UNGA and UNSC to…... say, Nairobi, Kenya ("Central" between all the Big Powers Longitudes, and on The "Central" Equator).

I REJECT the UK Government treatment of me and my Arab colleagues and by the USA/UN too!  YOU ALL MUST STOP this next Israeli plan :     more than that : GET OUT of the West Bank Entirely you Israeli-USA VERMIN. And Wow! - see the UK PM UGLY support for the Holocaust to come :   

.... a No Thinking Institutionally Prejudiced Autocratic Racial knee jerk (Not in my Name) against a Bullied and Bullied and Bullied Gaza Peoples! Hamas are NOT terrorists, but Freedom Fighters! You UN rubbish got that NOW? You have to THINK Yourselves into the Other Persons Shoes.....which means Deeper Psychological Thought is Necessary : President Nasser was Not so Wrong after all !

Listen to Minorities please.

“Aid Money” in 

I, JQ, am one of a Qualified Creative Minority in Britain – Design Engineers. I hope you found this email useful.

Added 25 July 2024 : Qualified Design Engineers are minorities ignored by UK Government, much as we have reminded them - hence infrastructure designs are hugely over spending because the Politicians and Civil Service do not know how to do it! 

                    Jim                  25 July 2024


I like this  ! :                24 July 2024

My view? 

Hamas has done well to bring the World's attention to the aggressive Israeli Greed for Palestine itself. They are Freedom Fighters. I hope they provide an internal drive to the PLO who have not shown much drive so far.

Leadership ......

I note the lack of supporting visits in 2024 to a UK Mosque on behalf of the Gaza People's HUGE HURT - by the UK Monarchy......but they went to a synagogue on 28feb2024!

No date, not 2024!!!   in    William spoke to everybody, favouring the Nazi as much as anybody else.... suggests ..... 2018, so this webpage is a mislead......

I really REALLY do not like Netanyahu in US Congress this week - why are the USA supporting a Nazi thinker? The USA do not look like they have invited him to be FORCED TO STOP given the current Republican choice of President and VP candidates language. What is Joe Biden doing? I'll keep watching, but I wonder at his thinking :

I wrote to Joe Biden last May, but kept quiet to see what he did : I am not happy..... so publish it now :

Hi Mr President Joe Biden,          1805 ET     20 May 2024

 It seems popularity means more to you than Human Rights.....

 ......for you have just said (according to the news here in the UK) that you think the ICC warrant to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes is outrageous - but he is a criminal for all the civilian murders he has caused in Gaza, or do you think there were none? - which is a big Israeli PR lie as you know well. And you continue to support Nazi Netanyahu's holocaust because there are so many Jew supporters in the USA? yes.

 ......for you pulled the last of your troops out of Afghanistan in August 2021, leaving so many in desperate Human Rights situations - half the population are in poverty and denied higher school and university education (what there is of it) - because of your need for selfish popularity in the USA? yes.

 .....for your behaviour over Putin's invasion of Ukraine, where the right action would have been to send the Military in to Ukraine within a couple of weeks of 24 February 2022. Have you worked out the timeline between your pulling out of Afghanistan in August 2021 and his February 2022 invasion of Ukraine - Putin was right - you politicians are all wimps, and shuddered at the thought of a simple confrontation to stop Putin before he dug in ...... your popularity with the electorate again?, that denied the freedom your Military needed to act correctly.... yes.

 Does USA Democracy breed loud, amateur, people to stand as Leaders?  yes ..... UK too. What should we do about that? Elected people can prioritise needs, but Well Qualified Experienced Designers should decide solutions. Yes, this was at the end of the letter.

And one more : 

    USA Constitution 15 pages – Very small print! States included, but over 100 years out of date: no Airforce, just Army and Navy, no Congress recognition of International Treaty or Agreements or its Responsibility. No Presidential limitation at all.

                 Jim            24 July 2024


21st July 2024

I want Israel EVICTED from Palestine's WEST BANK! The Oslo Accord was a sham of Israeli hidden backstabbing!

There should be HUGE Sanctions on Israel's Government, NOW. AND ON USA for their WRONG Support. See below to understand that the Israeli's have been allowed Far Too Much Saintly Status by the USA/UK/UN, and are Destroyers of Peoples. 



                                      20th July 2024

UNDHR agreed 10 December 1948.

The Jews had just arrived in Israel in numbers, and were freshly supported, while the British had not done ANY succession planning to help any Arabs to Grow into Leaders before the British retirement on 15 May 1948 - rather, they did all they could to Suppress the Arabs there.

Israel declared itself a State on 14 May 1948, and was admitted to Membership of UN on 11 May 1949 - a tinpot group of survivors, treated as the OWNERS of Mandatory Palestine when the British left after over 30 years, instead of the Palestinians themselves.  Wow - what nasty  biassed  discriminatory bloody USA/UK/UN corruption is this all about?

The Arabs have been treated like ....... vermin, not only by Israel, but by the whole UN Membership, and The League of Nations before them!

In March 1953 Westen Deutschland paid annually for "resettling so great a number of uprooted and destitute Jewish refugees", and individual Jews, after WW2. It seems the Jews Anger and strong Leadership drove them to Impose themselves, 

                           to obtain as much compensation as possible, 

                           with 700,000 Arab Refugees after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war caused by the Declaration of an Israel State, IN Palestinian Land........there were 670,000 Jews in Mandatory Palestine in 1948 ...... 

There was NOT the 6 million that died in Deutsch Concentration Camps...... tho' the UN perhaps seemed to think they were actually there, for they accepted the Arabs were Over Powered by Numbers and did not need a State in 1949! The Palestinian Arabs on 18 April 2024 are STILL NOT allowed a State. The Arabs struggled and struggled until Hamas was formed in 1987, and started attacks on the twitchy tricky Israel autocracy in Gaza and the West Bank - what do you expect?

You do Know that the 6 Day War in 1967 (5 to 10 June) cost Israel $ one billion USD? Just think how many trips to the Red Sea that could have paid Egypt for - the Israeli's waged war to open the Strait of Tiran (to the Red Sea), for in May 1967, Egyptian President Nasser had announced that the Strait of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels, because of escalating tensions.

And recently Israel ordered more F35 jets from USA for $ 3 billion USD - imagine how many friends in Palestine that could have made! On top of the billions already spent over the last 50 years on the Military......instead of support for business and trade to increase Palestine's workers income, and overall, happiness. 

I have decided against USA, UK, Israel, UN aggressive Policies in Palestine, and I will intellectually support Arabs everywhere. 

I take advice from Michael Collins, when he over turned the Destructive British in Ireland. He died in 1922 and is buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin.


He obtained "the freedom to achieve freedom".


The UN WRONGLY says Hamas are terrorists without calling Israel's Government as terrorist too - the USA-Israel coalition criminalises anybody they Bully as terrorist (and Israel deliberately raises tensions, which they then accuse others of) - ever hear of minorities (Palestine not allowed a 2 state solution nor UN Membership) being so bullied, and bullied, and .......... eventually picking Weapons to STOP IT!

...... by UK FCDO/Prince William 29feb2024, France 1956, President's Truman 1940's, Trump, Biden?.......and their "Glorified" Israel. See maps below, for how Israel has led the USA/UN by the NOSE to demand more and more land from the Arabs - with NO justification other than their own arrogant bullying.....

13,000 Arabs fought with Britain in WW2, and some were survivors too.....let alone the Combatants huge numbers of survivors.

Hitler created a hierarchy of 'races' with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and Black People at the bottom. They all suffered a Nazi holocaust in WW2, but the Jews were treated as "particularly saintly" people afterwards and should not have been discriminated in THEIR favour by the USA/UN! The Jews were NO different from the other WW2 survivors (all trying to rebuild their homes), and an Unbalanced approach to World Level Immigration by MOST UN Members, led to the Jews being Dumped Carelessly on Palestine, led by USA President Truman.....

The UN Declaration of Human Rights was agreed by many Nations in 1948, including UK - see Article 7 ("All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination."). 

Save The Children's maps :          20th July 2024

The Arabs occupy the Green areas - there were twice as many Arabs as Jews in 1948 in Mandatory Palestine, yet the Jews were allocated twice the land area - hey USA/UN......mildly stupid or BLOODY STUPID?


"The EU is an important international organization, and its understanding of and policymaking toward China have a crucial impact on the development of China-EU relations, and even on global prosperity and stability. China and the EU do not have fundamental conflicts of interest; 

cooperation outweighs competition, and 

consensus outweighs differences. 

From this perspective, as China and the EU prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year, it's hoped that EU institutions and officials, including von der Leyen, will establish a correct understanding of China, formulate proactive policies toward China, and work hand in hand with China to make greater contributions to maintaining global peace and security. "

China has good relations with the Global South - the poor - and I am not impressed by the West's help for the Poor around the World, for they seem always to favour the richer countries for Aid and even then it is Poorly Conceived (see "Money" in )

I agree with the above paragraph from    because I recognise it is the West's rich fat cat selfish continuing aggression that has caused most of the World's problems - including the STUPID support of Netanyahu in Palestine in 2024.

Take an example from China's support of the Poor, including their own, and welcome their Humanity there - and ASK why YOU do not appreciate and copy it. Why are you always so hypersensitive/so hypochondriac about other Nations who do NOT copy YOU?

I thought the West wanted "free market economies"? And they took advantage of that when buying parts from China for their cars (to sell more cars), so please accept free market principles when it comes to a whole car from China......and do not impose tariffs.

I have prepared a presentation for which this slide is just one of 8 :

• The 1954 Creation of the PRC (People’s Republic of China) under Mao
Zedung, also completed the long process of governmental upheaval in
China. New 1982, 4th Constitution led by Deng Xiaoping.

• It was a Big Mistake by UK to Murder Kenyans in the 1950’s
who objected to their land being stolen. UN sanctions yet?

• It was a Big Mistake by Qian Qichen, Vice Premier of the Beijing State
Council, to So Force the National Security Law onto “Quiet” Hong Kong
from 2002 and other changes, for huge demonstrations have raged
regularly over the many years since.

• It was a Big Mistake by USA’s President Truman to force Jews onto
Palestinian Land
, when he could have take them into the USA quite easily,
and then USA supplied Israel’s Top Gun’s so strongly. 

Would you like me to expose MORE of the West's STUPID selfishness?

                         Jim               20th July 2024


Response to 9 July 2024 email below :


I have just discovered that US Vice President Kamala Harris did not want Afghan women and girls to suffer, so did not want to pull out of Afghanistan in 2012, arguing with Joe Biden against it.  Look at the Taliban horror there now....Is she at the NATO-OTAN summit today? With a more personal thought?

She should stand for President ! I suggest she recruits a couple of Design Engineers onto her team, from Rocketdyne, P&W, and/or GE  - engine people - high stress high temperature innovative materials, complicated aerodynamics, simpler controls, lowest possible mass, creative planners and organisers!

Thankyou Amanpour on CNN at about   1330 ET   10 July 2024

Thankyou for his text name and title, for a longish time on screen and thus easily readable, for your interview with Ibrahim Moussawi, Hezbollah Lawmaker. He declared he is proud to be Lebanese. He is not from Iran. Hezbollah are taking time to observe events he says, as Israel masses at Lebanon's border. I liked him. doubt he welcomed the New Iran President Elect, Masoud Pezeshkian's support of Hezbollah yesterday, in a public announcement.

Me too.

The UN Resolution demanded the Israeli forces move back from the border I hope, for it is the Israeli that are the arrogant bully to those around them - whether Lebanon, Gaza, or West Bank - troubles all caused by the aggressive Israeli Government.


I would like to remind you of Jordan's concern too, repeated from below, here - view :,8NHVJ,5IPYLA,ZWBHM,1


Israel Hamas Houthi thoughts in my previous World Stories blog - look for 1st May 2024 and thoughts before then ...... you can click on "June" at top right, here. And the "Making Friends" file above too. A couple of short anti-Israel amount below! 

"Anti semitism" does not apply to criticism of Israel's Nazi Government, but to the individual Jew - quite different.

French election thoughts below - 25 cm or so.....

A fish will not know of flame or fire - they have to ask others......the last UK (Conservative Party) Government thought Austerity was the only solution - the Labour Party in about 2011 thought NO, the UK should carefully invest and reap the rewards later - as only in the last couple of years has the Conservatives. First Minister, Deputy First Minister as in Northern Ireland, means they have to agree - a Consensus.      Wow,     if only they HAD !

The Public are desperate for better infrastructure, but if you do not EARN money, you cannot borrowing initially to help Export, to more easily pay back the loan......Industry does, for R&D, to later sell and make profit - what can Government do?

The Office of Budget Responsibility, OBR, refuses to answer my question about "Balance of Trade"! That is, what is the UK actual NET INCOME? How much UK Exports and how much Imports? They go on about GDP, but that says nothing about UK earnings.....   28 March 2024, repeat  12 May 2024  "Are you really that ignorant? ...... for so very long I wait! And I re-confirm that your website does NOT give this information.  You do not look at export income nor import outgoings? You should realise that GDP is NOT a useful indicator of economic performance, for it says nothing about our net income, only what you think the public do among themselves, internally. How about you taking a job selling manufactured items overseas, and thus learning what the economy is really all about!!! And give up on your CRAP about GDP ."          Still nothing - now 9 July 2024 !

Did the last Government find "Balance of Trade" financially embarrassing, so stopped everybody revealing it?

See what I mean about NO flames or fire undersea? Nobody else's ideas count - the UK Government was/is(?) INCOMPETENT, and HIDES the TRUTH from everybody who VOTES!

Large Majorities destroy......see UK election results below.

UK Defence procurement is appalling. The NON thinking Conservative Brexit supporters so enamoured lovingly followers of the USA.    Wow, so wrong - the huge purchase of inadequate USA aircraft has stopped our own Aerospace Industry almost DEAD - no aircraft Design work so the experts will have left for other jobs long ago, only Apprentices left to design something .....! And the F35B is nothing like as Good as Tornado - F35B could not do a "no fly zone" over Israel, who have the better F35A.....the RAF have been CHOPPED! The Navy should have Dassault Rafale - so much better than F35B. and it is European, like Tornado. See my NATO/OTAN blog at    for why Rafale supports and F35b does not.

How much spend? If you invest in UK Industry, you receive a huge amount back in taxes - business tax, employee income tax, spend on many things by the individual tax - it works out that your HOME purchase costs less than half that of the Overseas purchase, from which Government receive no tax......

UK High Speed Rail is another disaster, just Glamour, to keep up with Europe - and still spending hugely for NO GOOD PURPOSE, and not embarrassed about it - estimate £11bn, current £50bn, and MORE spending hugely on tunneling into London Euston - they should stop at the nearest Underground, for everybody will use that from Euston anyway......    Middle England trains average only 40 to 50 mph, and cars can keep up - surely thinking about railways nationally should invest here, not south of Birmingham to London, with its already up to 90mph average!



Thinking out loud for the mo.....      how do we come up with a reasonably good solution to people's needs......

..... we must think creatively, not just accept the King's view because he is richer than anybody else......

A fish will not know of flame or fire - they have to ask others......

I am forming some thoughts about independent thinking - the recent French elections have produced an almost (yeah, I know, not quite, but....) equal number of votes for three BIG Political Party. The Rural vote clearly very much wanting their point of view heard among the Parisian (Urban) vote. It seems to me that nobody in France wants a ONE point of view to Govern. They want a coalition of all THREE views......

In Northern Ireland they have a First Minister from one group of voters and a Deputy from the other group of voters. Perhaps the French might think along those lines - so that everybody's point of view is considered - its like we do in Design Engineering - we form an agreed consensus where everybody aims at the same thing - we cannot design a 4 wheel car, and have one group saying their one corner wheel must be SQUARE! Ask Airbus ! Many creative ideas, brought into one....

Just as we did on :

              Jim                   9th July 2024      above sent

Thank you for your message.
For it to be delivered to the Presidency of the Republic, please click on the following link:
Without your confirmation, your message will be deleted after 72 hours.

Clicked. then :      it would be helpful to be told what was sent, for then no electronic or software text corruption occurred...was it correct?

There are software's which can remove nasty or terrorist words ..... investigate, think about :

       some of above sent, but the PM's contact form only allows SHORT messages....... 1,000 characters, White House 2,000 and President Macron 5,000

Clicked.    no confirmation


We MUST understand Jordan's Very Concerned Point of View (the Israeli settlers in West Bank, demand more and more and ....) :,8NHVJ,5IPYLA,ZWBHM,1

and ...... Israeli Greed has dismissed the Oslo Accord......

and with China :

The new UK Government - Policy considerations .......


                               Jim                                7th July 2024


Sinn Fein's President had the same view of the Israel-Hamas conflict as JQ did when she said a couple of months ago what she thought (Israel the aggressor for decades.....)      so :

On the card :

"Everyone Republican or otherwise has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.

Bobby Sands"



     .... and DUP nasty dereliction of Duty in NOT supporting Northern Ireland Assembly for two whole years!, when the Electorate had asked them to do so and needed money help, wherein I support Sinn Fein.

                         Jim                  6th July 2024


This is why we HAVE to go to STV voting for Westminster MP : 193 UK seats wrongly allocated in the UK 2024 General Election, one day of voting on 4th July 2024, 7am to 10pm - see Table below :

Is Democracy about One Party Power, or Fair Representation of the People and therefore Genuinely Democratic Consensus of Policy? 

STV works well in The Northern Ireland Assembly and in Scotland's Local Elections, and it is Proportional Representation of the Whole Electorate. STV in a UK General Election would have 4 MP per larger Constituency, meaning you can talk to/discuss with your favourite MP, not be ignored by the only one actually elected in today's First Past the Post, FPTP, because they are from a Party you oppose!

Note also the low 2024 (and 2019, further below) turnout, which STV improves because your vote actually DOES COUNT, so you are more likely to be interested in the results outcome, and thence Policy Implementation.

Why not have the Prime Minister from the largest Party, and the Deputy from the next largest, as in Northern Ireland where anger and riot has become muted, since both big sides have to create together. 

Murder and attacks on MP would probably be reduced, for we would get rid of the AWFUL PMQ's on Wednesdays where the two big Party shout and sneer at each other (and the PM never/rarely answers the question), just like LOUTS in the the Street (indeed they promote the street lout!), and giving the UK a rejection/disgusting reputation from most other CIVILISED Countries.
193 UK seats wrongly allocated!

We must change to STV please.

The Majority Party in 2019 had 82 seats (29%) more than it should with Proportional Representation of the WHOLE Population. 

Look at a 2019 Minority Party: the Greens allocated only one seat, thoughtful Caroline Lucas from Brighton, when they should have had 18

                                   Jim                            6th July 2024


UN Human Rights Council unanimously approves China’s 4th UPR report

Partial Quote :

Ambassador Chen introduced China's stance on suggestions made by other countries during the UPR and highlighted the phased progress of 30 new measures for human rights protection. He further elaborated on China's path, principles, and achievements in human rights development.

China will uphold people-centered approach, promote new quality productive forces, ensure that the benefits of modernization are more equally distributed among all people, steadily improve the level of human rights protection during the process of Chinese modernization, and continue contributing to the healthy development of the world's human rights cause, Chen said. 

Russia, Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Gambia, Vietnam, and many other countries at the meeting positively assessed China's efforts and achievements in human rights development. 

End quote.

I know this is a report from media in China (and it is not easy to spot fake news, but....), but I become more and more concerned at the ALWAYS negative view by the USA/UK. Why do the latter not congratulate China on its Development, from a difficult base? Are the Chinese claims NOT human rights improvements? Some Nations think they are great!

What evidence does the USA/UK have that they are NOT improving? UK's Human Rights record is appalling, even today especially internationally - the kettle calling the pot black! ALWAYS, and NEVER being self critical!

Why do USA/UK not help them? How? Well, what have we learnt about Human Rights - how did we get where we are now (some things good, some still very bad for the POOR!) ? 

What lessons come out from our past, that might help Human Rights in Afghanistan too? I am disgusted by the way others are criticised by snotty USA/UK rich fat cats who refuse HELP. And I mean HELP - like a nurse helps an injured person, like an OT or PT helps a disabled person - both almost bend over backwards to do what they can. Engineers too. They certainly do NOT criticise, but do what they helpfully can to IMPROVE REALITY.

I really am hacked off by the ARROGANCE here.

                                    Jim                     6th July 2024


I really am fed up with this sort of reaction to winning Chinese marketing..........converting a few Renminbi more than BMW's Euro.....I thought Deutschland operated a free market inside the EU? And the Stadiums need the money, like any other business?

                       Jim              3rd July 2024



                    Jim                      1st July 2024


New USA led airstrike Friday - when are USA IDIOTS going to STOP bombing the Poorest Nation on Earth?         UN action?

WHY is there Institutional Discrimination against the POOR by the USA and UK?       Forced on UN too?

     and just read this (last paragraph below) : ABOUT PEOPLE IN THE POOREST NATION ON EARTH, now being stopped from ANY money by the rich fat cat USA!! They had "$1 a day", now down to a "dime"?    and    no UN action to help them!

From the Guardian : "Bloomberg reported separately on Thursday that the US planned to further increase economic pressure on the Houthis by blocking their revenue sources, including a planned $1.5bn Saudi payment to cover salaries for government employees in militia-held territory."

Yup, I know they have captured people from UN and some NGO, which they should not have done, but what are the UN doing about stopping the rich fat cat USA from  dropping  bombs on them, simply because they fire missiles at ships in the Red Sea - (which should therefore go via South Africa which will only cost a few pennies more, which of course the rich fat cat cannot afford amongst its BILLIONS of throw away bombs!!!!). THE HOUHTI  HATE the Israeli's for the HOLOCAUST they are causing in Gaza, and the UN is NOT STOPPING IT ! Hence ...... retaliation against the UN!

You have to start THINKING everybody, not just knee jerk!

                                       Jim                        30th June 2024


On 28th June 2024 in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, said :

China's resolve to stay on the path of peaceful development, develop friendship and cooperation with all countries, and promote common development across the world will not change, Chinese President Xi Jinping said while delivering a speech at the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence on Friday 28th June 2024 in Beijing.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Seven decades ago, then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai put forth those five principles in their entirety for the first time - 

"mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,
mutual non-aggression,
mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs,
equality and mutual benefit, and
peaceful coexistence. "

President Xi noted that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have set a historic benchmark for international relations and international rule of law. They have also served as the prime guidance for the establishment and development of relations between countries with different social systems.

President Xi noted that the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind carries forward the same spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Both are rooted in traditional Chinese values such as "Be kind to your neighbor," "Seek amity through integrity," and "Promote harmony among all nations." 

President Xi announced measures that China will take to support the development of the Global South, including (1) establishing a Global South research center, (2) providing 1,000 scholarships under the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Scholarship of Excellence and (3) 100,000 training opportunities to Global South countries in the coming five years, (4) launching a Global South youth leaders' program, (5) renewing the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility, and (6) making an additional Renminbi contribution equivalent to US$10 million to be used to support agricultural development in the Global South.

Diao Daming, an Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations at the Renmin University of China in Beijing, emphasized that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence hold great significance in today's world. It serves as a foundation for promoting global peace, cooperation, and mutual respect among nations, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and prosperous future for all. 

I think these Principles are Just Right. Thankyou. The UK needs to APPLY them too.



Donald Ramotar, former president of Guyana, who attended the Friday events, said that China is already working with the Global South in a very profound way and that it is offering an alternative to the kind of relations that used to exist within the Western imperialist world, whose only aim was to exploit the developing world to keep them poor and dependent. 

The notes I have made in   show some of what I have learnt through internet searches, so far, and I am highly critical of the rich fat cat "West" and their sniping at China - before I saw Donald Ramotar's comments above......


I love this - so much Humanity instead of Missiles :

25th June 2024 on CNN - North Korea sends 350 balloons of rubbish waste to South Korea, thus retaliating for the South sending propaganda leaflets by Balloon to the North previously!

Well done Kim!


This 28th September 2010 Police Letter shows how hard I Harassed UK's AAIB, Successfully!

......for their POOR reporting of several Incidents/Accidents, particularly the Heathrow crash in 2008 of a Boeing 777 whose RR Trent engines ran down almost simultaneously at the Airport Threshold after 6 minutes of descent - not on the Highway just before, due to the Pilot's good aircraft handling (lowered the nose to fly over the road, not drop onto it), not even recognised in the AAIB Report 1/2010.

Overview suggests AAIB 1/2010 is merely documenting normal operation of aircraft - very little, if anything, about checking that this particular flight did perform as expected. Nowhere for example, is an electrical system diagram presented, so no way to logically confirm the minimalist conclusions. The electrical system in an aircraft Provides the Pilot with Instruments and Lighting......was he "blind" on finals? AND, are the traces actually telling the real story, or was the electrical system causing recording problems?

I conclude that Boeing had failed IN DESIGN to ensure the recording systems worked all the way down to total aircraft depower when on the ground. At least one (see the traces below) FAILED mid-air!! Incredible stupidity. 

It seems to me that Boeing and Rolls Royce persuaded UK AAIB to "redact" the whole reporting process, for it was a rubbish report, not exploring other than a hypothetical unobservable problem - icing of a normally hot metal oil cooler, when the ice disappeared before the aircraft or engine fuel systems were moved off the crash site!

Why did Rescue Services turn off several switches in the cockpit before the AAIB got there - Rescue arrived just over a minute after the crash. Clearly aircraft had to be made safe, but is there no procedure as to what to record first? No comment in AAIB report. Arriving just over a minute after the crash, means I expect QAR  (Quick Access Recorder) buffer to have continued working until electrical switch off, yet the report says the QAR went off line ......

........ 45 seconds before crash. Why? Nothing about the logic that powers it, merely a guess that the data buffering system has delayed the recordings by 45 seconds - coincidental or not there is nothing analysed in AAIB 1/2020 to support that declaration. Was it electrical busbars going offline? Did the cabin lights go off before the crash, declaring that? You have to guess that too - I was obviously searching for signs of electrical power failure - nothing said.

Why do they not display busbar voltages? If the Aircrew selected APU start, it was for a reason like no electrics (perhaps cockpit lights went out ? - did they?). Did they ask them? Did they check busbar voltages to see? What NH does the IDG (the electricity generator) go off line, leaving only the battery powering the aircraft? What logic drives the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) to deploy? That should provide electrics. Yet fundamentally this question must be answered to provide us all with the confidence that that Emergency System works properly.

If the NH goes below IDG generation speed, it will be below idle - hence NL cannot be 40%, it must be lower - this is why I have been so concerned about the recorded values of ....well several things presumably.

Do Airbus use the same busbar and RAT logic as Boeing - do they need to know anything about this crash? Again, not considered/nothing said.

NL (= N1) is virtually constant at 40% during final approach (as is EPR actual) - does busbar voltage dropout freeze the recorded NL or EPR? If ice is causing fuel blockage, why does NL not drop further? Why was the blockage so "easy", that it maintained engine speed significantly above idle, and not higher or lower - on BOTH engines at 40% almost precisely? In itself that is VERY surprising! Nothing said. At 40% NL, NH (= N3, but not displayed in the AAIB 1/2010 report) is perhaps about 74% - should the engine have a Blow Off Valve open below 75% NH to prevent surge? Nothing said!!

The ECU control loop scale is too small to read off their chart - why did it go to "11" for three seconds, nearly two minutes before crash? What does that "11" mean? It was the first time that EPR Command and EPR Measured diverged, so is very important. Nothing said!!

Incidentally, one of my recommendations was to slightly stagger throttles on long descents at "idle" in future as a precaution, for that way you will probably avoid simultaneous shutdowns - nothing said.

To concentrate on AAIB 1/2010 fuel flow - what would you look at for an engine rundown : fuel starvation, which AAIB did conclude, but for almost only ONE reason, not the several that were a possibility, hardly discussed - so, how about fuel pump speed(= NH = N3)? Nothing said! They should have had that info from the Data Recorder, but decided not to tell us. Not just me, but CAA, FAA and EASA - all critical investigators of safety! 

The BA38 crash 777's engines were both Rolls Royce three shafts - not P&W or GE two shafts, and three shaft fuel pumps rotate much faster at idle than two shafts - this is important, for fuel flow will reduce about the same amount at idle on all 3 engine types, but if fuel pump rpm is higher at a low fuel flow, the fuel will be churned a lot more by the gear pump, such as to cause increased temperature and possible vapour bubbling - engines cannot run on bubbles! 

Given the NOT available (NH = N3) rpm data, CAA, FAA and EASA would have been able to have a discussion/audit of the conclusions........ I saw no sign of such discussions....

What independence of mind did AAIB develop during the investigation - did they ask BAE Systems to help them think this through? I presume they had nothing to do with the aircraft or its design. Nothing said!

The engine ECU (control electronics and software) were apparently NOT AT ALL Checked - they actually over-wrote the Flight Software by Test Software it appears, so had no NO IDEA how in-flight reactions were doing - for example, the AAIB 1/2010 Data plots showed that the Software said the engines went into surge - was that Software working correctly? No Idea, for they never checked it! It is quite possible that they were not in surge of course (both engines at the same time maybe unlikely (unless high AoA!), but both fuel flows dropping to zero unlikely too (unless tanks run dry!) do you know if you never check? 

AAIB did not even report what the Pilots might have said about surge - never asked presumably!, AND Accident Investigations MUST surely be as certain as they can be that the Conclusions and Recommendations for the future are as near certain as possible.

Note : AAIB 1/2010 has 27 pages of fuel icing thinking and testing. Very many more pages than any other single item.

And their Engine Fuel System Diagram IS a DISASTER - this is AAIB 1/2010 :

And the following is my interpretation of that Trent Engine Fuel System, given all the several descriptions in AAIB 1/2010 (I had/have no pre knowledge of the Trent), noting that I have given you Questions (not answered in AAIB 1/2010) about the ECU's Affects too (Electronic Control Unit - which includes the Software), and also about Compressor Air-bleeds (Offtakes) which directly help prevent surge, and also driven by the ECU (questioning the surge indication on the trace below, from the ECU, it would have been useful to see what the ECU would have done with the info - open bleed valves? No Logic Diagram to help understand - to question!) : ACOC - Air Cooled Oil Cooler, FCOC Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler (the latter iced up reducing fuel flow according to RR/AAIB, noting that that ice melted before any engine parts were inspected, and the Oil was surely warm at 85C at least, for ACOC cooling is limited at ground level .....). 

The engine rundown problem (which on BA38 was to a stable 40% NL - on BOTH engines surprisingly - and thus above idle) has not recurred to my knowledge, apart from the one NTSB investigation they mention in the report...... Lucky right conclusion? The whole AAIB 1/2010 report is suspicious in its LACK of Multiple Detailed Thinking......

The traces of the last couple of minutes of BA38's flight would not print directly from the report except at very small scale (why?), so I magnified them on my laptop and took photos of that AAIB 1/2010 page 50, fig 20 as below, but then displayed top, middle and bottom of that page to ensure you could read it :

Below is a 26th June 2024 comment about what I see in those traces on Pilot Flying behaviour, which I had not done before. I obviously had those traces  back in 2010, but was commenting upon the engine behaviour back then  :

The Pilot first noticed something was wrong 38 sec before crash impact, when he noticed the airspeed (at 130 kts) dropping below expectation, so Auto-throttled up, but then sudden retraction at 26 secs before impact (STAR this discussion to below)

and concentrating on Flying (always the First Priority), correcting a bit of left Roll and watching pitch attitude (AoA increasing thro 4 degrees), before slow throttling back up (why slow?)

reduce flaps 30 to 25 degrees reducing drag at 16 secs (AoA 8 degrees), 110 kts, 0.5 mile before impact, anticipating possible on-Highway crash to avoid, 

stick shaker (this is an "approaching stall" warning that airspeed is too low, and "stalled" the wing will not provide lift - stall will result in a sudden, perhaps big, drop in altitude, and it also needs the pilot to increase airspeed - so put the nose down and drop for a while until airspeed recovery) at 12 secs (AoA 14 degrees), 0.4 mile before

and finally nose drop (to AoA 8 degrees) 0.23 mile (375 metres) before, to reduce lift I think (so "Glide" onto grass, hoping to reduce human spinal SlamType-Drop damage - the sort of thing a stall would result in) having cleared the highway at that point, 7 sec before impact ..... 

.........thus he was good at his job A !

STAR : AAIB say engines "Auto-throttled" suddenly back at 26 secs, at only 120 kts - why ever should That (or Pilot !) throttle back happen when airspeed is so low? And then so slowly throttle back up? In total, 7 secs below max..... I imagine a Pilot would want to recheck throttle response, but throttle movement is very slow for that - he would have to wait a couple of secs to see rpm change anyway, because the Control System would limit rate of rpm change, but the Pilot could move the throttle in a half second safely. And in any case - airspeed dropping low is not normally a time to throttle back, unless to reset something, but quickly surely..... Paragraph is ridiculously short of THOUGHT about this throttle back ! The Safety Importance is for another 777 aircraft, when the fuel flow has not become restricted, but the ground is close with low speed perhaps a little higher than this BA38 was. NO Logic Diagram or Description anywhere to help understand why this throttle retraction occurred. Harassment of AAIB by JQ? MUCH MORE NEEDED do you think?

Does my audit help you (CAA, FAA and EASA) ASK Questions about how the whole thing might have happened in this 2008 crash ?


            onto blog 24th June 2024, traces 27th June 2024


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