Sunday, September 1, 2024

World Update - 27 July 2024 onwards


This is        Stories

and see      Learning, Education

      and      JQ Tornado

      and    Great Depression

a good report here : Israel must get out of Gaza .......,8PNR0,5IPYLA,106UXB,1       quote

Whether a ceasefire lasts for weeks or years, Israel will likely maintain the stifling siege it has imposed on Gaza since 2007, and retain the permit bureaucracy that dictates the movement of people and goods in and out of the territory.

    end quote

                             Jim            1st September 2024


The passage of time is like a surging river - much is washed away, but the most valuable stays ........from   President Xi emphasized that as two major countries, China and the US should be responsible for history, for the people and for the world, and should be a source of stability for world peace and a propeller for common development. This indicates that China's attitude toward improving and taking forward the relationship goes beyond a particular moment and event. It views and handles great power relations from a strategic and long-term perspective. This is being responsible for history.................... 

In today's world of intertwined changes and turbulences, as well as unstable economic recovery, all countries are in the same boat, and no one can thrive alone. Only by working together can we overcome difficulties. Selfishness does not work, and harming others without benefiting oneself is even more unacceptable. Engaging in camp confrontation does not bring peace and security, and "decoupling" only leads to trapping oneself. There can be no winners in conflicts and confrontation between China and the US, and the world cannot afford it. Cooperation in addressing global challenges and providing more peace dividends and development dividends to the world is the only correct choice.

                         Jim                 30 August 2024

..................................................................................................................     5 to 8 September 2024

see   for more WRC, World Rally Championship, info - support the Welsh!

2024aug04     Stroud youth charity 

A young Chinese teenager challenged me to write my name as a copy of hers - her bottom big character has a much thicker right leg than my attempt, and that makes my name REAL Chinese! Their calligraphy ranged right down to the very small fine-lines diagram (word), smaller than here - and they just drew them - complicated, from memory, and they knew their language alright - wow, young teenagers, and calligraphy so delicate. 

Great fun all of them, with one game to pick up 5mm diameter beads with chopsticks - I scooped 4 or 5 into the alongside bowl, and I did manage ONE pickup in that 90 seconds allowed! Another game to throw arrows into a narrow tub from a short distance - I did not manage that at all, after 5 tries! Everybody (7 or 8 teenagers, plus two adults) laughing cheerful throughout ..... great fun. They will grow up ....friends.

,,,,, just a reminder about FPTP elections :

27 July 2024
Poor NHS Stroke Response      27 July 2024

This Statement is about the POOR NHS ENGLAND support for Stroke Victims having requested help on the new victims behalf for months now and hugely ignored.

I have asked NHS England to raise the Stroke Response Policy to Cat 1, from Cat 2. The need is because response times are much longer than ever before expected, and Thrombolectomy treatment has to be started within two hours of the Stroke being recognised, for the Treatment itself takes two hours, and the finish time must be within 4.5 hours of the Stroke starting. 

The following describes the situation, obviously from my Local Gloucestershire evidence, but I am sure it applies Nationwide.

Response times evidence :
Thrombolectomy evidence :

Please ACTION - many Stroke Victims have become paralysed since I raised this last April 2024 because of the LACK OF NHS THOUGHT here.

Is this the NHS you all want? 

If you are short of money, you have to respond to the situation as it REALLY is Currently, by Reacting quickly to the Real World as is, and Thinking, as I have here helped you to do..... needs your help, for they have to talk/help with the worst paralysis cases too.

This is Important, for people are being hurt badly by the NHS, when they suffer STROKE, because of the long ambulance and A&E hospital delays :

entered this blog 27 July 2024 having tried repeatedly to get a THINKING RESPONSE from the TOP Directors Team at NHS England :

5 June 2024    URGENT please NHS

I have been pushed from pillar to post since April 2024 on this CARING SUGGESTION, for Ambulance Times in response to Stroke victims is very poor. The Leadership in this country is a disaster of local only, not National - no pass of concern in one County to ANY other! Dept for Health & Social care - go away. NHS England - Go away. Healthwatch Glos - no response. South West Ambulance give me no email address....

email To the Top of the NHS :    13 June 2024
NHS England - our reference 2405-2103109 GE

1st this was the 1.09 pm  13 June 2024 response I next comment upon below :

Dear Jim Quinn, 

Thank for contacting NHS England Customer Contact Centre. 

NHS England is the part of the organisation which deals with primary care services HMP concerns, Armed Forces, and some specialised services. 

NHS England Customer Contact Centre can investigate complaints, concerns and general enquiries about health and justice, armed forces, and specialised services commissioned by NHS England.


However, we are unable to investigate primary and secondary care services such as GP surgeries, dentists, opticians, pharmacies, the care given at hospitals and clinics, mental health services, out of hours GP services, urgent care services such as walk-in-centres and the 111 and 999 service.


Unfortunately, therefore we are not able to deal with the service which you have written to us about.  In this instance I can only advise that you contact the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) who commission this service. Please find below link for Gloucestershire ICB.

My retort :

..... I repeat for you NHS England :  the info that triggered this request on 5 April 2024 (a Long Time Ago now!), hidden by you yet again in your (don't bother me) response, yet again (three times now!) with long delays by you in between, to raise Stroke to Cat 1 emergency for Gloucestershire, not Cat 2....And these are AVERAGE reaction times, so many are lots longer, and they are the ones in desperate need of Cat 1.........

While you are at it NHS England covering ALL of England, are you not checking that other County probably have the same problem of long ambulance queues? Rapid reaction, as in Cat 1, will save many  - is the whole country allowing Stroke to cause so many a desperate disabled life if not treated quickly. Are you not in OVERALL control of NHS in England?

email To the Top of the NHS :    13 June 2024
NHS England - our reference 2405-2103109 GE

1st para :
I would re-categorise strokes as cat 1 call outs, because 
is needed within 4 hours, and thrombolectomy takes up to 2 hours to administer - so you need to start treatment within 2 hours - but 51 minutes AVERAGE (so some take longer!) before you see an ambulance after FAST reduces your time left to travel to hospital, join the Queue, and start treatment - time is thus very short, so I would change stroke to Cat 1, now the real delays are known, and it is so debilitating to the sufferer.

email To the Top of the NHS :    14 June 2024
NHS England - our reference 2405-2103109 GE

As a human being, would you rather suffer a heart problem or brain injury?

NHS ambulances and hospital treat individuals short term, but Carers have to work with LONG TERM disability because the NHS FAILED to treat them urgently when REQUIRED.

If you die, your problems are over - at once. If you suffer a stroke you are brain injured for the rest of your life, which in the worst case could be like Tony Nicklinson, who suffered total paralysis and became so desperate for Assisted Suicide. NO heart attack victim suffers like that, and many Stroke victims suffer very badly.

Do you understand what paralysis is NHS England? 
Stroke causes paralysis to various degrees (and about 50% of stroke victims do suffer significant degrees of partial paralysis), but heart attack does not, and while you may be a bit weak as a result of a heart attack, at least your brain is still intact and you can still eat and swallow normally, and play games with your grandchildren......etc   Would you like not to swallow properly, FOR LIFE? And so many other LIFE FUNCTIONAL problems as a result of Stroke.

Stroke often causes such paralysis problems, but heart attacks rarely do. Which way round would you Categorise these two circumstances?  Stroke should be Cat 1  certainly I think.....and heart attack? I leave you to come to the OBVIOUS conclusion, that heart attack is a lower priority than Stroke - for INDIVIDUALS CONTINUING LIVES

NHS hospitals do NOT see EVEN the half of it/much of life, for their treatment is completed in a few hours! And in less than two hours from the onset of Stroke, they should perform the two hour thrombolectomy -

So. considering the LONG TERM deep damage that can be caused by Stroke, I would put its Priority as Cat 1 - please DECLARE this as NHS England POLICY, to be adopted by ALL NHS Trusts - immediately, and with AUTHORITY.


email From My Gloucestershire County Councillor  16 July, entered 27 July 2024


As promised I asked your question of the Ambulance Trust at today's meeting of the Health Overview and Social Care Scrutiny Committee.  The answer the Trust gave was that categories of ambulance response times is set nationally.  Category 1 is largely reserved for patients who need resuscitation.  Category 2 is for those who need urgent care including stroke and heart attacks.  

Given how poor response times are in the south-west the current priority is to get Cat 2 response times especially in rural areas.

I hope that is clear if not the answer you wanted.    Yours David

I think by "get Cat 2 response times" he means hugely speed up response times to achieve the Target Times. I see this as impossible without a huge increase in STAFF and AMBULANCES - which means BIG MONEY!  ........ as I had advised him on 5 June 2024 when asking him to raise the question.

thanks David.    Copied to my MP Simon Opher

I have asked NHS England to set stroke as Cat 1 nationally, but they are dead!  
ie no response. 

I wonder why the Govt has delegated the NHS to non-thinking unresponsive p............Needs a management wakeup shakeup.


27 July 2024

email to   27 July 2024 0046 ET   copied to many, including China Defence, US Pentagon, and UK MoD

The election hustings fever is not edifying is it!

Trump is the greatest Leader ever, Harris is the worst VP ever - Trump's extremist words.
Harris team has launched weird....

Question games on TV are all about memory of pop group who is who, and TV soap memories, and other such Unstimulating stuff.

Where are the technical things in all this ...... communication.

Why are there so very few engineering questions on TV game shows? And on Presidential Hustings. Such as "do we really want to spend all that money sending a couple of people to Mars?" 

I do not agree with waste (doing that), but rather want more scientific investigation of the possible embryonic life in Enceladus or Europa - lots of different types of investigation - and a submarine (with China's help) to go beneath the ice on those moons (in time, and carefully planned to avoid taking our own life there) - far more intellectually stimulating than the MOST EXPENSIVE TRIP EVER just to go to an old Pyramid or Stonehenge type archaeological investigation of a billion year old dead planet - Mars.

It seems feelings and emotion are more important than investigating FACTS. And thinking about them - This is called "how to educate people" - where is that debate? in uk that is denied me - the Government forces its own view on people (who never know of it). Why no public debate or advice or suggestions  (should we choose this or that). Maths teaching in USA  - have you looked at how MANY times the curriculum has changed, and so VERY frequently. Do these educators NOT understand psychology and how to help people learn, instead of double out guessing each other? - they stuff facts alone down our throats, not HOW to think? Are there ANY psychological Consultations in Government - do these people ever ........ think, and ASK?
International Relations must be improved - instead of Stupid Continuing Aggression and of course NOT making friends and influencing people!

Fire is not known by fish (you will have heard me say that before) - and Politics does not know "fire" at all does it! These hustings are absolute nonsense in terms of intelligently presenting a case for the future on HOW TO THINK - of introducing THINKING to the world! Of where they are going - intelligently. Kamala Harris team is being brought down by accepting the way things emotionally are in Trump's world - why do they not CHANGE THAT?
See what I mean by technical - it must not be at My higher maths or physics level of course, but where is the USA going in terms of their aim in life? Do they want money at the expense of being happy ..... or enslaved? we all need money to survive, but I do not want millions and am happy that my income exceeds my outgoings by a small adequate amount allowing me to travel once a year where I want to or attending symphony orchestra now and again. I like thinking about things, digging into investigations. Does anybody else in USA? Other than Design Engineers I mean. 

I turned my TV off for ALL the UK hustings Channels (and newspapers) - watched CNN instead, and played sudoku!

Capitalism is Adored by you lot - it ignores me (well, it uses me, as long as my pay is low), causes and then ignores poverty, so I think it needs modifying! See my thoughts to EPICENTER attached.

Any way you can help? I rarely receive a reply to any of my everybody DEAD? 



EPICENTER Newsletter    Issue 89  26.07.2024 :

The Clash of ESG and Capitalist Principle       
by Prometheus (a Deutsch input to EPICENTER),  synopsis :   Today, rising state intervention and regulations threaten economic freedom. The EU's sustainability regime is an example, burdening businesses with bureaucracy. Click here to read our new blog by Prometheus on how we can protect the efficient functioning of markets. See whole report at

email to EPICENTER <>    26 July 2024
  thankyou for your info.

I read Prometheus report on ESG and capitalism, 

      and want to comment that the latter relies upon creative ideas - capitalism is NOT fundamental to how markets work. 

Capitalism USES us ordinary people for those good ideas, pays us as little as it can get away with (so poorly!), and the rich Director gets all the benefit. I am an Intrapreneur, and note that most Entrepreneurs go out of business after a short time........those who try it, thus often loose pots of money! And again the rich benefit for they are able to buy the failed company at a low price, with funds they have available in quantity from MY work.

Capitalism is therefore likely to result in more poor in the community, as the rich take advantage of us workers, legally, for Law is of ancient history and not much of today. Creativity in CCCP was doomed by Dictatorship of who does what, with very limited freedom to change that - Capitalism did not beat Gorbachev to win, but Creativity by all and sundry here......

China is going for creativity I think, for they are different from the (Soviet Union) CCCP, and I am looking for info about how it will be controlling itself - Prometheus is very black and white, and should be looking worldwide to assess others, not just repeat the old mantra......

I totally fail to understand UK Law (I know you are EU, but i still read you for I voted Remain in 2016, and would like to be back there again, for I cannot live in the EU for more than 90 days in 180! and my daughter wants to retire in France) - Law is incomprehensible to me, for it does not use Plain English, but contorted Legal-Dictionary words (not the same definitions as my popular dictionary) and mixed up, multi phrase sentences that the normal school leaver will never understand.  

I am a Numbers man as most Engineers are, not a wordy man. Therefore Law, Classics and Shakespeare are anathema to me. I cannot be an Entrepreneur for I have no idea how to cope with Business law, Employment law, Taxation law, or whatever other wordy stuff is created by UK Government. Mine is pure Engineering Design, Knowledge and Creativity, and I therefore have to work inside a big enough company, not a two man size, to be protected from the UK's ancient Land-Owner legal theory (historic, not Plain English) lawyer constructs. 

Your Capitalism is anathema to me too! And steals my ideas......for everything I do is lodged by wordy lawyers in the Company IPR, not mine!! But it is my (all of us Creators in that business) work that earns the money!! Director's work no harder, nor more intelligently, and merely provide the organisation structure, for they know not what we actually Create, until we are done, and then ask us to present it to them...... - we often advise structure too! And some of us are capable whistle blowers....

Capitalism does NOT reflect MY Contribution to the economy, and is an unfair system, like the First Past The Post (FPTP) voting system for Westminster MP Elections not Proportional Representation (which STV gives in Eire, Scot's Local elections, Northern Ireland's Assembly elections). See attached UK voting charts, and understand they are an indication of unfair elected MP representation, and are a simple illustration of similar unfair capitalism allocation's of wealth!

In the 1990's Rolls Royce Bristol Aerospace introduced the idea of a Specialist Structure pay scale, different from a Management Structure, so that a Specialist could earn more than the Manager. I do not know how that progressed....... Does that help thinking? Creativity over Organisation!

Have fun thinking ....... and please respond when you have....


22 July 2024        entered 27 July 2024

Free Market Economics :

email to IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs, London, UK) : 

There seems to be a growing argument for big tariffs on Chinese made EV cars. Am I out of date on the "free market", and protectionism too?

I think there should be no tariffs on Chinese made cars! If I want a new car, why should I not buy a low cost one?


The French were all for low cost car parts from China, to sell (inside) more French cars, and with no tariffs then! I do not know about UK.


Please advise

Matthew Lesh | Director of Public Policy and Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs reply

Hi Jim, thanks for reaching out. 

We haven’t said much on the topic, but I personally think you’re entirely right. It doesn’t make sense to say decarbonisation is important, that we want consumers to pay less and have more choice, and then say ‘let’s put tariffs on Chinese cars’.


Here’s a piece from a friend of the IEA’s, Scott Lincicome:

JQ response back to Matthew :

Quote, from page 7 of Scott's report : "In 2018 and 2019, Trump imposed an additional 25 percent tariff on Chinese solar products as part of his broader “Section 301” tariffs on about $300 billion in annual imports. To top it all off, the U.S. government has initiated several other trade actions against Chinese solar imports suspected of containing polysilicon—a key solar input—made by forced labor from China’s Xinjiang region. (Never mind, of course, that it was the original 2012 duties on Chinese imports that helped kill off the United States’ burgeoning polysilicon industry.)"

My comment on this "Quote" paragraph - To eliminate extreme poverty in PRChina (90% of their population, 40 years ago), the Government had to "Move" people from some "extreme no income" rural areas only patchily eating and not producing, to Towns where there was more support, and they worked for very low wages, but better than anything before. There is virtually no Extreme Poverty in PRChina today because of their 40 year effort, from the CCParty imposition. 

So "Forced Labour" it was, but a very good thing for many! It depends on your perspective, and PRChina still has a bigger %age of people living below $12 a day compared with UK, so the CCParty needs more ideas yet ..... 

                                but no help for the about 4 million reckoned by NGO to be in poverty in the UK today, for the 2010 - 2024 UK Govt Blames them for it!
