Monday, October 7, 2024

JQ Partition Plan for the Middle East

This is

    see also   CV

           and    Education

May I put it another way please......


The email:                5oct2024

"JQ Partition Plan for the Middle East"

The King <>,
Sky News <>,,,,
Simon Opher MP <>,

Please discuss and agree at the UN, to produce a peaceful two State solution.

I have criticised the 1947 Partition Plan several times for the "islands" of Palestine Arab surrounded by Israel, and the Oslo Accord confirms that recent history which gave the INDIGENOUS Arabs so little land - a deliberate UN attempt to allow Israeli domination of the isolated Arab.

Naturally, I have proposed MUCH bigger land area for the Palestine  Arab.

My JQ plans deliberately attempt to Define Palestine as one block of Land and Israel also. Proposals made, but Hamas, PLO and Hisbollah need to think ......... Here is the current 2024 situation. Note the AREA's for each "nation" (Palestine Arabs cross-hatched of course), but Israeli settlers are big bully land grabbing in the West Bank, despising the two Oslo Accords in 1993 and 1995......, so that West Bank hatching covers a LARGER Area than real, on the ground stuff !!! Even more disproportionate AREA's :

Maybe Israel should have access to Aqaba to save Israel Money by not going via SUEZ, for they need to pay for the rebuild of Gaza and make friends with the Residents, but both sides agree people can move to their favoured Nation into houses which Israel and UN pay for, as reparation for the huge numbers of lives and houses lost through Israeli destruction since 1st November 2023, and the 1947 and 1949 UN Resolutions which implicitly led to all this destruction.
     President Nasser was SO RIGHT, and yet was heavily sneered at by "The West" for sticking up for his country, and the downtrodden in Palestine. Well done matey....

Sorry Palestine Arabs, 
I should have requested you were consulted at the same time as when I sent to Israel Govt, but I had no email address for you:

Thus      please do so.


How is the New Palestine to be governed?  
Training helps .... ability to think, to form consensus through discussion .....

Good starters:        worldwide embrace

The 39 professional engineering institutions (PEIs) registered in the UK with the Engineering Council represent hundreds of thousands of experts working across the British economy, and the engineering sector contributes 32% of the total economic output of the UK - IMechE August 2024 statement

Yours sincerely


Jim Quinn BSc(1965) CEng(1985) FIMechE(1994) CPD Human Failures(2024)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

World Stories and Palestine Update

This is        stories 

see also    money
       School and Leadership

see   for chunks of Tornado

you might also like to see Ukraine in and JQ data aggression of 2008 Boeing-RR-AAIB Heathrow crash report - corruption
                      and poor recommendation for SAFETY info (for a Squirrel Helicopter crash and deaths in 2007) by CAA/AAIB, for it needed a RED coloured AVOID region half of a Graph Up Front in the Pilot's Manual, not at all in their conclusion - very poor for NOT helping pilot's to be SAFE.           18 to 20oct2024
on UK Sky ITV4 at 9pm on 22nd October 2024 for one hour.

Mary Lou McDonald repeats here, what she said last March(?) about solidarity with the Palestine Arabs, when she first expressed her recognition of Israeli aggression, as I had in My 8nov2023 Investigation Report, where I started from 1922. 


Dear Mr Gahr Støre, Prime Minister of Norway,  1815 BST  28sept2024

I am writing to you because I am deeply concerned about your plans for deep sea mining in Norwegian Arctic waters.

The UN Environment Programme, the World Economic Forum, the International Ocean Panel that Norway co-leads, the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet) and the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet) have all warned about the potentially grave impacts of deep sea mining and urged governments to take the precautionary principle into account.

​Look at this short 3m52s video please, of both lovely sea floor life, and industry damage:

Mining is going to stir up far more damage than shown in the video, for the sea floor will erupt due to drilling (which is rotation, cutting, and centrifugal flinging), rocks and debris will be scattered widely, and whales listen to each other, as you well know. So they really are going to welcome your hideous noises - yes? Well NO of course. 

Please stop your mining licensing proposals, which I presume you intend to be numerous and spread over a wide area, with distance between each drilling because the sitting scattered machinery will take up much space, and that will need protecting from the hugely swirling debris too - do you imagine oil pumps over land - see oilfield2 photo below - imagine those clouds are huge volumes of under sea to swim through that? So, you will ​obviously banish all swimming animals.....​if you drill and mine.

Norway must commit to protecting this irreplaceable habitat. It is time to decide what legacy you want to leave for future generations in Norway, Europe and the world.

It is not too late to protect the Arctic and its deep sea from destructive deep sea mining activities. Don't let Norway be the first country in the world to start deep sea mining – protect the last untouched place on Earth.

Thank you for your attention.

With hope for the oceans,

Public in

Yours sincerely

Jim Quinn BSc(1965) CEng(1985) FIMechE(1994) CPD Human Failures(2024)
Panavia Tornado Concept Design Engineer 1967 on
LRQA Lead Auditor No 01298

UN, NATO and WW2 Deaths                  24sept2024

1) Vladimir Putin remembers the Eastern Front benefit to the Western Front Normandy landings success, but NATO does not at all, which angers Putin enormously, for NATO never joins in the memory of Bagration in June 1944, like it does Overlord
 - Belarus was the lead Operation Bagration D-Day territory in 1944.... - 9 May is their chosen WW2 Victory day.
Caen city liberated on 19July1944, so much happening on BOTH Fronts.

You will remember that Putin complained a lot about pushy NATO when the Ukraine invasion started? ..... got memories and emotions yourselves? and USA withdrawal from Afghanistan just a few months before........I question, so dig dig ..... Putin?    Human brains    A!
           I am not the same as any stick in the mud aggressor!

2) The numbers of deaths caused by Hitler, give me no cause at all to favour the Jews more than Russians or anybody why did the "USA led" UN so strongly support their invasion and displacement of the indigenous Arabs in Palestine in the 1940's? And so very often subsequently, not even allow a Palestine State for over 70 years!

      and  Why did China at the UN in May1949, favour Jew membership so specially more than Arab membership?   when China death toll in WW2 was so high too.       note: China's Mao declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China on 1oct1949? thing at a time for me!        them?

                           Jim          24sept2024


To the Cabinet Office on their contact form

Note that I send emails to many people, but the UK PM and Cabinet Office wants me to use their own individual form. If everybody did that, I would send no emails at all, for I will not spend my whole day on just one "email".......

Stopping Netanyahu                 23sept2024

1) Because PM Netanyahu says the whole of his Cabinet approves policy, getting rid of him alone, is no good, but persuading him to change would help us to influence his Cabinet too.

2) If we could change the minds of the whole Cabinet, we would still be left with millions who voted them in,  in the first place, and who may still be supportive of more killing - the Protesters against Netanyahu we saw on TV, are  loud, but do they represent the whole population? So, a risk for the future - a possible return of aggression in a few years time if all goes quiet now? Nevertheless, let's try I making whatever we do, very visible to all Israeli, by making a change of Cabinet mind obvious......

3) I have asked the Pentagon – who are these people > - ( to use Tomahawk missiles (or similar idea) on one or two airfields in Israel, as a threat to PM Netanyahu's Government, to STOP killing......anybody,

     or escalate much bigger into big USA attacks on Israel military targets (the Israeli airforce is Strong, so we risk our own USA lives.....but how far are we going to let Israel go otherwise - a limit somewhere surely, even at our own risk).  I would prefer USA did it on its own, for they are the ones who have so supported the WRONG REGIME (Israel), and they should demonstrate they have LEARNT .......

                              a few Tomahawks as a threat to Israel :        Oi, STOP NOW request, or else, and after that threat, the rest of the world join in if necessary?

4) I still have a "UN Peacekeeping Force INSIDE no airforce Israel" thought in mind long term........from a 28August2024 email (below) to the UN at - and no response there either.

5) It seems no body thinks how to stop conflict, ongoing or just started!! The whole world is just watching Netanyahu's holocaust!! No action at all. A USS Aircraft Carrier drove towards Israel, but it appears just drinking rum..... The big stick has to be threatened against stupid people......but of course, I would prefer not to use it, until obstinacy shows in stupid - like Netanyahu and his Cabinet. Thus ask the USA to threaten/perhaps use against Israel's Government please. Unfortunately, if the UK Navy were to send Tomahawks the same way, the UK are weaker than Israel Militarily, so UK is no threat, but USA are big enough......

See also the following earlier email to the Cabinet Office today 


Stop Netanyahu's Killing please                23sept2024

Just heard PM Netanyahu on SkyNews - he will attack Hisbollah with huge force in retaliation for their attacks on Israel. Israel has been overkilling in retaliation for decades now - and attacks on Israel continue, whether by Hamas, Houthi or Hisbollah.

The Israeli extraordinary extremes of over kill retaliation have not at all led to peace; on the contrary the attacks have increased.

Does that not suggest that maybe a different approach is needed? Netanyahu cannot see the many decades of his continuing over-kill (a large multiple of any deaths in Israel, every time) reaction behaviour have not at all led to ceasefire by the Arabs.....what an idiot.

USA lost the Vietnam war, as a result of not listening, in the same way as Netanyahu - the Vietnamese said that for every one village he destroyed, ten more would rise up to challenge him. And Nixon's USA lost....

People like Hamas and Houthi can think as well as Netanyahu can, but they are not as strong.....and their attacks are .... local and precise, while his use the WHOLE Israeli Airforce "Nationwide" attacking many civilians indiscriminately!! And Beirut is 100 km  from Israel, and the ban on Hisbollah occupation is also deep into Lebanon territory: "nationwide" not too far out     A!

Israel wants hostages released? Then stop killing Arabs, for the hostages are the result of Israel bullying, not just in over reaction killings, but in denying a Palestinian State - with the agreement of the wholly corrupt UN's 1949 acceptance of Israeli membership and occupation of Palestine as if it was Israel's land, not that of the indigenous Arabs there at the time!!

The hostages will not be released until Netanyahu stops......and accepts that Israeli's are NOT superior to Palestine Arabs, and should stop treating those Arabs as if they were "vermin", who have as much right to life and home as ANY other peoples throughout the world. The Jews are NOT special people, and their behaviour since1949 has been entirely despicable, full time sneering at the Arabs, and especially in 2017when Hamas asked for a 2 state solution, but totally rejected by the rich fat cats in Israel and USA. Apartheid practiced by both! - see Apartheid Poster below.

Please Mr UK Government, suggest to both Israel and USA that killings of Arabs at huge rates are not stopping the attacks on Israel. YOU have to tell them that killing evidently merely begats more killing… the Israeli really not see that? Wow! Non thinkers!      Just football hooligans then…. 

Suggest Israel stops being an ignorant bully, and talks....politely.



                    email to UN, China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Brazil, Kenya, South Africa

1) Google tells me there are 204 million Muslims in India

2) Gandhi was mostly Right : Now, Muslims are despised in India, Pakistan so very separate, when Gandhi wanted a combined Nation and Government

3) accordingly, a One State solution in Palestine?- Jews very driven and organised (as in their 1945's+/50's strong migration to Palestine) and their 2023/2024 driven treatment of Arabs in West Bank - Arabs nowhere near as organised (apart from Hamas?)  Rich and Poor too (so house buying, always Jew wins?).....- my worries, too difficult balance........not on

4)         but control of separate Israel in a 2 state? ..........limits on military arms did not work in free Deutschland in 1920's and they grossly ignored that limit eventually, so UN occupation of Israel seems best to me, for three generations at least (as USA should in Afghanistan, not just 20 years - USA called it war, I call it Peacekeeping, and the USA politicians could have asked UN....but "war" hysteria, with very few USA casualties withdrew USA in unilateral stupidity, and UK a miserable sycophant).

I would not have been driven to UN Peacekeeping so ......forcefully, had there not been 40, wrongly, with millions made homeless, families destroyed - there is something awful in Israel psyche, such evil mind and spirit. 

The IDF code is "defence needs attack", so they attack the smallest rabbit they can see - and anyone with an army exercising in their own country is a threat that must be eliminated and International Law does not apply to them! I have said before that Finland and Russia do not war, even though exercises are regularly held near their own border. Israel's warmongers accuse others of causing it, but it is them ALL THE TIME, leaping over other Country borders.

The Deutsch learnt a lot because of their 1930's and 40's (  The Great Depression  + Thoughts), but the Israeli have a single strong one religion people, and learning nowhere near as likely/obvious.....but lengthy time evaluated, maybe would tell.....

I note the Israeli never support other populations with money (I google searched "Israeli foreign aid budget"), but they like to train people inside Israel, or provide rescue services.....easy non committal Public Relations stuff......              well, "everybody" believes the PR !!!         Unreal......not me!

Are you predators? visit worthwhile - Al Kabla in Amr bin Al Ass in Cairo attached. Many Copt in Egypt too, a liberal Muslim country - I liked moral code expressed by Ibrahim and Mohamed. Mohamed is name of first born generally, so Ibrahim will have an older brother.

This is very interesting.... - found on BBC Afghan in Cairo. It is not on my Sky satellite TV in England, but SkyNewsArabia channel 788 is - in Arabic.

email to Pentagon, copy to UN, UK MoD, China MoJ, ....and many others


On CNN ten minutes ago -  Ceasefire talks are due .....5 days to restart?

How dare you - another (about) 500 Arabs dead in the next 5 days by Israeli murderers

AND YOU use a kayak to cross the Atlantic .... USE YOUR RADIO AND TALK TO YOUR WARSHIPS IN THE MED. Do SOMETHING to stop them, not whine on about a ceasefire set of talks in which YOU MUST NOT ALLOW HAMAS TO RETREAT IN ANY WAY in the face of Netanyahu THREATS, and his lawyer muddle wriggles out of STOPPING CROSS BORDER MURDER.

The hostages released so far (families so emotional of course, but Netanyahu gloats with them in much publicity  A) were at the expense of huge numbers of Arabs in the IDF attacks - that is NOT acceptable. Each Hostage is ONE person, not hundreds. How dare you RANK THAT ONE above............. well, ME           and my sensible arguments. You are killing CARE.....thanks.     Blue on blue it is sometimes called A?

No. This is RED with ANGER at MY end.......

        Aaaah, worked it out - that IS WHY YOU are taking so long......proper West Bank TOTAL ISRAELI RETREAT and THAT HUGE HOSTAGE release too! AT LAST, WELL DONE.

HEAT THEM some other way - enjoyed last night in Bristol's Ashton Park - did you ever ask Gaza City whether they would like a Balloon Festival to show you were interested in THEIR feelings other than your own - or too concerned they might FLY OVER Israel and your F15's would INSIST on a NO FLY zone.....that I asked Biden for a long time ago OVER ISRAEL. Why have you NOT done that yet?    Tomahawk's at 4.30 am on a couple of airfields.....even NO DAMAGE would show you are serious       THEY MUST STOP.

nuke 'em is last resort as in Nagasaki, for Truman thought to save lives that way - how long do you intend to go on NOT FIGHTING THEM? Building up the WORLD's ANGER so very much     !!

Yours  NO LONGER    TIME WASTERS        cause terrorism. Got it YET?




You have to call a spade a spade to think of meaningful solutions. 

I started with my reminder in report "JQ - The Middle East from 1922 - 2023nov08" at the end of this blog, that the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack was the fault of the Israeli in their sneering at, the despised, Arabs. This was a Diplomatic approach to the problem recognising that there were faults on both sides. I have been totally ignored. 

I started writing more and more emails as I thought to further understand the history of the conflict, especially since Israel created such an immediate holocaust in Gaza. I thus became more aggressive as I realised that I was taking the role of the ICC/ICJ who had Retired, even though South Africa tried to help them see the problem - they went back to their WORDS, instead of thinking MORAL CODE, and what their inadequate words meant in POLICY. They thus became USELESS.

I have asked for USA Military action to stop Israel for continuing (today) the murders of so many many Arabs - USA because they were supposed to be Upright Citizens, but I found in Niger and Diego Garcia they were NOT, money and guns meaning more to them than Humanity and Care for ...... Indigenous People. 
I suggested to the Pentagon ( that they should force Netanyahu to stop his attacks on Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon with a Tomahawk threatened missile attack on the Israeli Military Airfields for it is/was clear that Israel's overkills were actually continuing the war, not stopping it. Stop rich fat cat Israeli aggression on a much poorer People than them, and the latter would likely not attack back - they want their own State, and neither USA nor Israel will allow that. Yet the USA say they want a 2 State solution - in the UN they said the opposite - USA are clearly hypocritical double standards people....... 

Then, on 4 sept 2024, Young (very silly) Barbara Woodward Criticising Hamas as terrorists for 6 people dead, and not criticising Israel as terrorists for 40,000 people dead!!   WOW - UK  SO UGLY, speech authorised by......?

3sept2024   email to UN, the Pentagon at,,,,, etc

1) Because PM Netanyahu says the whole of his Cabinet approves policy, getting rid of him alone, is no good, but persuading him to change would help us to influence his Cabinet too.

2) If we could change the minds of the whole Cabinet, we would still be left with millions who voted them in  in the first place, and who may still be supportive of more killing - the Protesters we saw on TV yesterday, are  loud, but do they represent the whole population? So, a risk for the future - a possible return of aggression in a few years time? Nevertheless, let's try I making whatever we do, very visible to all Israeli, by making a change of Cabinet mind obvious......

3) I have asked the Pentagon ( to use Tomahawk missiles (or similar idea) on one or two airfields in Israel, as a threat to PM Netanyahu's Government, to STOP killing......anybody,
     or escalate much bigger into big USA attacks on Israel military targets (the Israeli airforce is Strong, so we risk our own USA lives.....but how far are we going to let Israel go otherwise - a limit somewhere surely, even at our own risk).  email 23aug2024, 1459 UK time. I would prefer USA did it on its own, for they are the ones who have so supported the WRONG REGIME, and they should demonstrate they have LEARNT .......
                              a few Tomahawks as a threat to Israel :        Oi, STOP NOW, or else. and after that threat, the rest of the world join in?

4) I still have a "UN Peacekeeping Force INSIDE no airforce Israel" thought in mind long 27aug, 1852 UK  time, para (4).....

and 5) World Strategy         the future ?
                    Where are we all going on this (ONLY) ONE PLANET?

What do UN Rules Mean? 
The UK ignored their 1948 agreed UNDHR for 50 years, only bringing it internally in the Human Rights Act in 1998!      Alan Turing died in UK in 1954, for UNDHR not allowed inside UK!!      email 30aug, 1329 UK time, to UN only with attached photos here

                              Jim        3sept2024

Having spent much time investigating and thinking about Palestine since 7th October 2023, my overview now is :

1) The world very much sympathised with the Jews who had suffered in Hitler's holocaust, and the League of Nations   Emotions overcame their Rationality about the Jews who survived, by allowing them to forcefully occupy Palestinian peoples land from about 1944, even though Britain ruled that Jews numbers should be restrained. This occupation was strongly supported by irrational President Truman, who deliberately denied the Arabs in Palestine their Rights. President Truman already knew about the Reparations request by the Jewish Agency on 20sept1945, but still hugely compensated them with Palestinian land as if there were to be no Reparations, and somehow brought the Rest of the World with him.  The first Bundestag was formed in West Germany after World War II on 14aug1949, and Reparations payments started on 27march1953 - East Germany much later.   the Great Depression

2) As of 20 April 1946, The League of Nations ceased to exist, and handed over all of its assets to the United Nations, having granted the new UN Secretariat full control of its Library and archives. The UN agreed a Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947 which gave the Jews more land than the indigenous Arabs (well .... the map below suggests so), who were also disadvantaged by being placed in pockets of land rather than continuous as the Jews were allotted.

3) This was typical of the British at the time - divide and conquer in 1947 (as in Eire and Northern Ireland in 1922, and India and Pakistan later) so obvious here - the indigenous Arabs divided into pockets! Just right for Israeli arrogant domination over the 77 years since........    West Bank gunshot apartheid heard today.....

4) Israel declared itself a State in 1948 when Britain withdrew from the Mandate, and the indigenous Arabs immediately fought the Israeli for their Rights. The UN accepted Israel to Membership of the UN in 1949 as if Palestine was Israeli land, much to the HORROR of the indigenous Arabs. This is where the TERROR started, for Israel were clearly the Aggressor and favoured by the UN, and were quite happy to promote their own people as Superior.....

5) This is also where the USA Supported Israeli INSIDE the UN started shouting Terrorist, but it was Entirely Israeli Caused, for they gave NO ROOM to the indigenous Arabs at all. How Could the UN Accept such Discrimination?, for the UNDHR was agreed in 1948 by most Nations including USA and UK.

6) Why does the UN criticise the indigenous Arabs use of guns and missiles to Control their Own Territory from sniping mouth, infiltrating Israel who leap with such extraordinary over kill, over their Borders so regularly? If Israel had been friendly in 1945 and after, thought collaboratively about the Economic Union in the 1947 UN Partition Plan, and agreed a joint Government of some sort, NONE of this Conflict would have happened.

7) I declare Corruption in the UN back in 1949, CONTINUING terrorist accusations TODAY in their knee-jerk non-think to the latest news, with little consideration of the PAST FAILURES.....causing such missile attacks.
                So wrong.

8) The Israeli are continuing MURDER in Gaza and West Bank, and the UN do nothing......There should be constructed an immediate Military Force to contain the Israeli Caused War, and ground the Israeli AirForce. I have asked the Pentagon (via the only address I have  to THREATEN Israel with Tomahawk missiles attacks on their airfields, to stop the Israeli continuing murders. No action of course, for they too are hugely     deafblind       to murder in their own land, and support such murder of indigenous peoples in Palestine? - and elsewhere......

Thus my request of the UN please.

                      Jim             8sept2024

Cairo underground   25 August 2024         Recognition

Many relevant details follow below :
To The Legal Deposit Office
The British Library
Boston Spa,  Wetherby
West Yorkshire LS23 7BY                            6th September 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed my new book “Tornado New Horizons” ISBN 979-8-32824-379-7 published in 2024 recently.

 Yours sincerely

 Jim Quinn BSc CEng FIMechE CPD

in late 2023  UNESCO added Modernist Kaunas to the World Heritage register and in 2022 when Kaunas was awarded the title of European Capital of Culture......

Brexit stops us having such an EU award.........great shame

Before Brexit, I was able to live permanently in any country in the EU I wanted, but now I am caged inside the UK, for I am now only allowed in an EU country for 90 days in every 180. New Zealand wants £800,000 in savings to retire there - so the British Commonwealth countries are not interested in my freedom either.

I hate being caged in UK, for it is an evil country, dominated by mediocre MP and non-thinkers, who deny Design Engineers existence (unless we work in Defence!!) ignoring their Independent Creative Helpful Thought and Top Level Planning, so respected in other countries by Government.

Who do Government employ in Quango like HS2 Ltd? - nobody with Qualifications, and they Spend and Spend without embarrassment at their so Excessive non-thinker plans. Engineers are employed to only dig tunnels, not to think at all why such are required in the first place!! oh, and oh again - why have expensive 200+mph trains for such a short length of track?, also necessarily expensive to stabilise 200+mph trains.

And the Education Ministry recognises only up to the Academic PhD, while experience shows in CEng and Fellow which go way above and beyond that - without Govt knowledge!

MP's are elected by the public to represent them in Govt, but Govt needs Good Thinkers to solve the problems that MP want solved, which is where Design Engineers work - we clearly should not waste our valuable thinking time in talking to very many Constituents, often many times about the same thing! That is what MP are employed to do.

Look up      for

                       Jim  BSc CEng FIMechE CPD    


6 September 2024

The UK population knows nothing of this :
About 60 years ago, the United Kingdom government secretly planned, with the United States, to force an entire Indigenous people, the Chagossians, from their homes in the Chagos Archipelago.  .........
So that it would not have to report to the United Nations about its continued colonial rule, the UK falsely declared that Chagos had no permanent population.  .......
But the UK and US governments treated them as a people without rights, who they could permanently displace from their homeland without consultation or compensation to make way for a military base. ......
They abandoned them in Mauritius or Seychelles, where they lived in abject poverty. .....
In recent decades, much of the secret planning of the forced displacement has been exposed through the publication of official documents. They exposed not only the plans, but the blatant racism of UK officials toward the Chagossians that highlights the discriminatory nature of their treatment.

My internet search shows the media have the recent info, but I never saw any of it on TV......if it was there, it was very brief. I remember something about Diego Garcia back in 1960/70's or so, but I was very much tied up into my engineering back then, and knew nothing of such politics or indigenous people. Indeed there was respect for politicians back then, that they knew what they were doing.....and so Tornado was essential deterrent!!
      Not now at all, from me. The Politicians are causing their own problems around the world, leading to attacks in return.

Politicians, both USA and UK, in the past have been disgusting and in the recent Tory Govt too.  I am waiting to see what the new 2024 elected Labour Govt is doing, and I have just heard the new Labour Govt have appointed an MP to investigate Diego Garcia's indigenous people hardship.....

And,....I have been wondering about the media - do they keep quiet on Govt issues, because Govt can so easily claim "The Official Secrets Act" like on the Queen's banquet menu (a so shallow use of the Act.....or maybe  "say only 15 seconds about Diego Garcia"), or make some other quiet prohibition on their freedom (the MP construct laws of their own policy!) ?


18aug2024 email to UN, Saudi Arabia, Iran Jordan, .....Pentagon, Keir Starmer...Brazil, Aussie and NZ media.....

2) Orang utan and Gorilla were both gentle creatures, but evolution produced the Chimpanzee who often screeches at and attacks others. Humans have evolved to be worse than Chimpanzees I think, introducing slavery and torture, far more aggression, and then war without compassion. In "The Tornado Engine +" I only introduced the physical side of ET, now I have introduced the psychological (brain control system) side - "unfortunate" evolution has occurred in Chimpanzee's and humans where Nature has had no design plan, just random mutation, triggered by almost anything (cosmic rays, gravity North-South swops, solar flares, asteroid impacts.....). 

The human is worse than the Chimpanzee who was also worse than the Gorilla.....Evolution has NOT produced a better species in humans, no matter what the "I AM RIGHT" people say. Unfortunately therefore, the child hood smack is a necessary way of helping controlling a poor mind (kids brains are not much different from Chimpanzee until older).....which as a fearful teenager later, means they use knives on each other, or even later go to prison for uncontrolled crime.

3) So many wordy people think that humans needed speech to be able to do things - yup, that made for easy sniping at a distance, very aggressively - wordy people CAUSE WARS. They totally forget that humans survived better by far with more useful tool making,... to survive. Wordy people cause TROUBLE, for they do NOT think deeply enough, and do NOT ASK for HELP from better thinkers - just aggression all the time, as at UK PMQ's. It seems to me that visual expression, understood communication, smiling, grinning, hand and arm waving and movement, helping people cross the road safely, etc is all far better than the wordy person's sniping suspicion from afar, where it seems so many PRESUME the other's character is .....nasty.

email to most of the UK media                  17june2024
Title Kenya National Commission on Human Rights

......How do we differ from Chimpanzee or Gorilla?
The Gorilla is a quiet sophisticated character, while Politicians and Chimps are.......wordy

Many animals have great visual perception and rapid reactions, and some humans are lucky enough to have received their same, but we have to question whether many humans in power have these attributes - Lawyers and Justices for example. Their ability to understand others will be limited to their own vague behaviour......they should be dis-allowed from some Judgements.....

It seems the lawyers think only words make us human......... and hence their laws and their judiciary think they know better than anybody else about the real world for they wordy a lot. It was the UK lawyers and judges who convicted the Sub Postmasters for fraud (wrongly) - the Post Office and Fujitsu were ONLY the prosecution, and should have been investigated/destroyed by Software and Electronics (IT) Engineers, but the Law Commission ruled that out in the lawyer led 586 page Criminal Justice Act 2003 (hidden somewhere, for my word search does not find a mention of software or electronics or computers at all), so criticised by the BCS (British Computer Society).

Hey there, is that the only thing that humans have different from the Great Apes?......NOPE!

Its called creativity and manufacture - from flint arrow heads used during planned group hunting, to sub or supersonic airliners........Hey Mr Lawyer, you know NOTHING about the REAL NATURAL WORLD that most of the rest of us have some understanding of - (me being an engineer, suggests : ) engineers particularly know the strength and conductivity of a given steel or copper or ceramic superconductivity is also part of the Natural World matey. David Attenborough tells us lots on TV about animals, fishes and plants, but there is far more - vaccines are of the Natural World too, a creative and manufactured construct that qualifies Homo sapiens so differently. Thus the UK Law Commission avoids/dislikes technical witnesses knowhow, for they confuse the uneducated Justices, as BCS, British Computer Society, found when discussing with them. Lawyers and Justices act on the Law as if infallible.....a good moral code does not "enter" Court. 

Policy of course is above law, which merely tries to write it on paper - the Oslo Accord so poorly written, the Israeli have wriggled out of it, and claim West Bank is theirs.....implicitly claiming law is above policy? Nope. 

I know how they did it - their policy in Oslo was not what the UN thought it was, but to deliberately choose double meaning words in the finally agreed Accord......that they could escape later. From 1945 when they (thro' the strong Jewish Agency) deliberately chose to break the UK rules that Jews should only gradually increase numbers in Palestine, and with that USA man Truman's so biassed help....they have USA-confidently long sought MORE LAND - and hence the settler arrogant problems in the West Bank today too, and their planned increase East into Jordan there too:

And how can a lawyer sitting on a chair in a big quiet room, even begin to judge how a Policeman or woman protecting the public against an attacker with a machete or gun, will react to that attacker suddenly lunging at a nearby citizen - that is ACTIVITY which THEY MAY NEVER ENGAGE IN, so cannot possibly judge/convict - it has to be those who have independent knowledge of such active .....courage or not. Thus the RAF Station Commander (who DOES maintain flying time) judges the aircrew in a crash or incident, not a lawyer.....and the lawyers create their wordy in quiet, non emotional, non emergency, offices where they have NO IDEA what they are writing, for they know nothing of ACTIVITY or INGENUITY!! And the MP who passes the stuff through Parliament - hardly even reads it, its language is so obtuse - AND THEY NEVER OBJECT TO THE LANGUAGE of such "law". 

All the MP debates are "well I think that we should have an online safety bill, because......." - but the MP does not read much of it, for it is too wordy complicated verbose to understand, and delegates to Govt lawyer (poor) moral code (no deep thinking) autocracy....

This is aerospace type law, for the Chipmunk T10 - a typical page of the FRC, Flight Reference Cards :   Why is Govt law so incomprehensible, verbose, non-understandable by the average school leaver?

and my Highway Code similarly, from when it was 36 clear info pages not the 168 verbose, no prioritisation pages of the 2022 version:

Note how a diagram makes understanding so much easier - UK Govt law should have diagrams too...., as in my Constitution in

Brazil have just banned twitter - UK should too! We need some competition, but do we need so many channels of profanity or sexually enriched communication?


9jan2024 email  to SkyNews, i newspaper, Times, Guardian, Mirror,...etc
Title : Defence Secretary Austin on CNN 

......... I will not be bossed by MP or PM, for I am way senior to them, in qualifications, in thoughtfulness, in creativity, in experience, in integrity, in honesty. The only thing I give way on is MONEY - they collect it and spend it as the public elected them to do, but I will challenge that ...... when I want to. I am not a toff nor a pooof......I am Mr Jim Quinn a CITIZEN since my 1986 passport so declared, no longer a subject, with Human Rights established at UN level in 1948.

Just what we need - friendly discussion            5sept2024

email to UN, Joran, Iran, Save the Children, Chatham House,...etc

This is the ONLY way to start sorting things out -  USA and UK are deafblind still.....

downloaded in the pdf attached "Taliban’s closer ties with UAE signal global divide over Afghan regime 2024sept05"

Great idea UAE and others - email address added            UAE Public Health Dept

    for a summary of Palestine emails, started 8nov2023 - and a hope to help the Taliban as in the blog : 
and 5) World Strategy the future ?
Where are we all going on this (ONLY) ONE PLANET?
What do UN Rules Mean?
The UK ignored their 1948 agreed UNDHR for 50 years, only bringing it internally in the Human Rights Act in 1998! Alan Turing died in UK in 1954, for UNDHR not allowed inside UK then!! (email 30aug, 1329UK time, to UN only)

        and, do nothing, or care collectively to do something, about the Taliban's gender disability? Persuade ......benefits.......psychology.....thinks.....ideas please.    chartered-membership-cpsychol


For 5sept2024, I add a relevant oldie:

email To Chatham House and British Psychological Society     5  August 2024

in which I find

and wow - they have some moral code - to be admired in many respects. 

So, why are the Taliban prohibiting women and girls from education and most jobs - they seem to need women medics - yet without education future generations will be lost.

Having discovered the Pashtunwali Code (and somebody put it into Wiki before I looked !), I would like to persuade them to support females better - any idea how we might do that please?

oh,  ........for women in Afghanistan is too small. 

If the "West" stops aid to poor people, the insurgents will become even more angry with colonialism, for the cutoff itself IS COLONIALISM all over again - get me?

I discovered this when looking at Niger - in the news recently for USA and France pulling out. Not only was colonialism demanding money for the Uranium export, it also made sure the Niger govt only got 30% of that export value anyway!

It should be at least 50% (as I said in my blog for Yemen support in
"- they should be taxed at least 50%?, so that the rest of the profits go to the Yemeni employees")

Back to the Taliban, and their top Pashtunwali - ideas, thoughts, counselling, persuading needed. do you have any Psychologists on board? Could we collaborate? training ourselves takes TIME! 

Please respond,     Jim

     and, all this knowledge around (Wiki's Taliban and Pashtunwali), yet NEVER consulted by USA or UK Government, and acted upon thoughtfully!! Merely huge Aggression.  Triggers a thought :

Why did the 911 destruction of the twin towers occur? What was the attackers reason? Why......were they called terrorists, simply because they attacked the USA? perhaps in their world the USA were the terrorists.....

and Diego Garcia info on 6sept.....


after this 4sept2024 email, I have added some previous ones for completeness of my argument.....

email 4sept2024 : to CNN and Sky News, copied to UN etc :

P&W problem much much bigger than this RR Cathay one...

CNN BIAS so very evident - the enemy is RR, long live the USA.
        NO.          STOP!
The Media cannot be impartiality

All of us Engine guys sympathise with P&W here, for we all know advanced technology sometimes exposes unexpected problems after Certification. It is a difficult (new don't forget- powder metallurgy was only being thought about in1990....takes time to prove) world and we do our best, and we have to satisfy FAA etc worldwide.

Yours sincerely

       and updated a while later :

Yeah, good from CNN revealing P&W too now........but no mention of the number of P&W aircraft grounded (....large)! Nevertheless, much better presentation thanks, and recognition that engines are the reason fuel consumption/CO2 has come way down - advanced tech has helped that - geared fans are good, new, too. Engineers are really trying to help the world, as P&W GE RR (perhaps in China, Russia too ..... just don't know) are doing, just don't sneer please when things aren't perfect.

Pretty much everything we do has a back up system, so failures mean a return to base and land - safe for passengers lives, if not their travel plans. Boeing went severely wrong with the two 737MAX crashes that lost so many lives because of their software - that has dented me a lot too - what the hell were they doing (losing "always get you home" integrity entirely) - and the FAA have since come down on them heavily, GOOD - USA needs to be put right.

Hamas admits to killing 6 hostages? Oh dear - how to prove true? But killer for me, was that they said (apparently) they would kill more. NOPE, their thinking has died on me, for cold blooded is NASTY CONTEMPTUOUS moral code.....

Fighting a war is one thing, shot in the back of the head, of somebody expecting something to eat perhaps (well....imagine) another.

I go back to my 8nov2023 report, "JQ - The Middle East from 1922 - 2023nov08"    it is at the end this blog. And admitting Israel to UN membership in 1949, without ALSO admitting Palestinian Arabs as a Nation at the same time - IS HORROR. Totally unacceptable to me.

As a result of all this, and looking at other events around the world since 7oct2023 - leads me to REJECT current USA and UK democracy as a way of life - it is CRAP, for we have mediocre minds running the place - people who think they are god and can do no wrong, never ever needing to consult people who know and can think so much more than they do.

As a result of the cold war, I had looked at the enemy and how they think - I have investigated Russian combat aircraft and their engines - needing to know : what is the competition.....

And since 7oct2023 I have looked at China and what they do, because USA and UK keeps sneering at them.

China has problems, don't we all ! 
                but they have a group at the TOP who are better educated than the rest, and have a policy of support for PEOPLE, not so much MONEY as the "West" so black and white has. We all need money to survive, but the neglect of people to just get money (by chance, and often a lottery of luck that the public wanted some of the product - NOTE rarely genius entrepreneurs that the idiot media seem to think, and adore in promoting.....).

Britain's hierarchy adopt horse racing as the guide to future prosperity.......gambling is seen as the way forward. Nothing about caring for people, or even THINKING - good god no, we can't have that......   The media too - have totally ignored my suggestions for years now - can't publicise thoughts of other than the Govt....or BIG charity - ideas from Design Engineers don't count at all in Britain.

So, I think I might have some support for thinking that we elect people to represent the population, and they declare the needs with some ideas, but we need at the TOP, people who can better construct solutions to problems, and ask the elected ones to fund us/it - part of me of course, but not for my own personal profit.

My pension is fine for me as I don't travel much, but I am very glad I visited Cairo recently, on my own money - enthusiasm see....

We have to GIVE Palestine a STATE.

Israel is so wrong to persecute the Arab the way they do, and Israel AND THE UN, MUST HAVE respect for the Nations alongside, and stop leaping over the boundary to attack every little mouse they see. Yeah MOUSE - Israel see slaughter their only option, supported by CORRUPT USA and UN - it has been years of THEIR bad temper which has led to Arabs rejecting them TOTALLY - and adopting gunshot measures I REALLY REALLY do NOT like.

Israel have to GROW UP, and accept that many "cheerful" ideas can come true IF THEY COLLABORATE WITH THEIR EQUALS - the Arabs in ALL local Nations.

The USA MUST respect the Arab too. BIG TIME !!!!

I WANT THE UN OUT of New York and somewhere midway between USA, EU, Russia, India and China - let World Democracy prevail please, with UNBIASSED USA and UK Media. I am STILL very sceptical of the Hamas gunshots NEWS ....... continuing?

              so I am now looking at Al Jazeera TV..... I went to CNN to discover the enemy - BIAS, and hysterical election fever, with nothing worthwhile at all from either candidate - I left SkyNews too, for THEIR hysterical non thinking election fever and co ntinuing ignorance. I now reject USA BIAS from World Opinion. GO AWAY - Resign membership from the UN....


UN - please help sort us ALL out..... and Egypt please check Hamas !! .....

Yours sincerely
Jim Quinn BSc(1965) CEng(1985) FIMechE(1994) CPD Human Failures(2024)
Panavia Tornado Concept Performance Design Engineer
LRQA Lead Auditor No 01298
IMechE Gloucester Hon Treasurer and Talk Organiser     Caring

                          Jim         4sept2024
1947 UN Partition Plan :

Why the separation of the Palestine lands, such that Israel has a continuous large country, but the Arabs isolated in smaller pockets?


email to the Pentagon at

...... The Jews should NEVER have been treated by President Truman as special compared with the Arab (who he said were few in his constituency, so would not affect his next election, so he could ignore them, like any other minority - look him up on wikipedia). The sympathy was with the Dead Ones, the survivors are now free, but no more special than the NZ Maori or other Aboriginal peoples around the World, or even ..... Engineers. Jews are just another group of people - NOT EXTRA SPECIAL, no matter how they or the USA think of themselves. 

Look up their religion and how they think of Jesus Christ, and what he did by throwing the merchants out of the Temple - Jesus was an upstart, and they enjoyed killing him - and the same today - they are gods people among us ordinary Earth people...... the Jews back then liked making money in the Temple!

Then look up what Muslims think of Jesus Christ - and see how much more like Christians they are than Jews.... I found the following , and started thinking about the Jews proselytising in Gaza and West Bank (apartheid), causing resentment as they "declare" we are helping you.... - I reckon they see themselves as superior beings, for the "rest of us" believe in things like Supernatural Human Gods which to the Jews are ........ hallucinations 

Don't just read, but ...... wonder

all I want is THINKERS, not BONGO DRUMMERS of hate alone

                         Jim          7sept2024
I am a Humanist and do not believe in any god - other than the Sun which gave us so much life!! I am not anti-semitic for I allow Jews to practice their religion as they like, but I will not accept their interference on me or anybody else, and certainly not their evil Nazi style holocaust judgement of any Arab.

email  to UN etc             3sep2024

PM Netanyahu Speech 2 Sept 2024

It is possible that the IDF thought they were attacking 6 SIX Hamas fighters, but ......... shot in the back of the head?  If true, what type of person does that?

1) Because PM Netanyahu says the whole of his Cabinet approves policy, getting rid of him alone, is no good, but persuading him to change would help us to influence his Cabinet too.

2) If we could change the minds of the whole Cabinet, we would still be left with millions who voted them in  in the first place, and who may still be supportive of more killing - the Protesters we saw on TV yesterday, are  loud, but do they represent the whole population? So, a risk for the future - a possible return of aggression in a few years time? Nevertheless, let's try I making whatever we do, very visible to all Israeli, by making a change of Cabinet mind obvious......

3) I have asked the Pentagon ( to use Tomahawk missiles (or similar idea) on one or two airfields in Israel, as a threat to PM Netanyahu's Government, to STOP killing......anybody,
     or escalate much bigger into big USA attacks on Israel military targets (the Israeli airforce is Strong, so we risk our own USA lives.....but how far are we going to let Israel go otherwise - a limit somewhere surely, even at our own risk).  email 23aug2024, 1459 UK time. I would prefer USA did it on its own, for they are the ones who have so supported the WRONG REGIME, and they should demonstrate they have LEARNT .......
                              a few Tomahawks as a threat to Israel :        Oi, STOP NOW, or else. and after that threat, the rest of the world join in?

4) I still have a "UN Peacekeeping Force INSIDE no airforce Israel" thought in mind long 27aug, 1852 UK  time, para (4).....

and 5) World Strategy         the future ?
                    Where are we all going on this (ONLY) ONE PLANET?

What do UN Rules Mean? 
The UK ignored their 1948 agreed UNDHR for 50 years, only bringing it internally in the Human Rights Act in 1998!      Alan Turing died in UK in 1954, for UNDHR not allowed inside UK!!      email 30aug, 1329 UK time, to UN only with attached photos here

         and,  do nothing, or care collectively to do something, about the Taliban's gender disability? Persuade ......benefits.......psychology.....thinks.....ideas please, for example



Prime Minister Netanyahu                                         2 Sept 2024

               made a speech followed by questions on Sky News TV in England today :


During the speech he emphasised that his was a Cabinet decision, and (something like) while there were rumours about conflict within Cabinet, they all agreed to their policy.

I listened to a somewhat bland translator, for his speech was in Hebrew, but come to a final question (it turned out) from a French questioner, PM Netanyahu said :

At 2110 Jerusalem time


On April 27 Secretary of State Blinken said Israel made extraordinary generous offer for a hostage deal

May 31, Israel agreed to a US backed proposal – Hamas refused

Aug 16, Israel agreed to what US defined as a final bridging proposal - Hamas refused again

Aug 19, Secretary of State Blinken said Israel accepted the US proposal, now Hamas must do the same

Aug 28,   5 Days ago,  5 days, Deputy CIA Director said that Israel shows seriousness in the negotiations, now Hamas must show the same seriousness.

What has changed in the last 5 days? – one thing – these murderers executed 6 of our hostages, shot them in the back of the head – that’s what’s changed, and now after that we are asked to show seriousness?  - we are asked to make concessions?  What message does that send Hamas. It says kill more hostages, murder more hostages, you’ll get more concessions –

The pressure Internationally must be directed at these killers, at Hamas not at Israel – we say yes, they say no all the time, but they also murder these people, and now we need maximum pressure on Hamas.

I don’t believe that either President Biden or anyone serious about achieving peace and achieving their release, would seriously ask Israel,    Israel to make these concessions, we’ve already made them – Hamas has to make the concessions.

Thankyou very much.  (then a very brief word in Hebrew).


The Israeli are treating the Palestinians as vermin, to be exterminated (they claim only Hamas, but over 40,000 Hamas dead, and over 90,000 Hamas injured?).


Jim Quinn BSc CEng FIMechE CPD


When was President Biden’s – 3 phase proposal?  many months ago now   ……..   aaah, it was

31 May 2024 

and quite different from Netanyahu speech above for May 31 : he lied - Hamas welcomed it, and Israel refused is the truth......          says : 


In a statement shared on Telegram late on Friday, Hamas said it welcomed Biden’s remarks and his call for “a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of [Israeli] occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction and prisoners exchange“.

The group also said it was ready to respond “positively and constructively” to any proposal that includes those measures – as well as the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes in Gaza – if Israel “explicitly commits” to it, as well.

END QUOTE      says :


In a blunt – and kind of rebuffing – statement, Netanyahu said that "Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed: the destruction of Hamas' military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel. This statement was strategically kept vague. Notably, it omitted the term “total victory,” a phrase Netanyahu frequently used to describe the Israeli military's aim in Gaza.



email to Chartered Engineers        2sept2024

The Lord Cullen Ladbroke Grove train crash report has been deleted from the HSE files ! Now, that is another crime.

morning all,

Engineers should challenge Govt more - very loud publicity too. I cannot do it all on my own......AND you have to say what you want after deep holistic thought, not just criticise.
Scientists in Govt are not holistic, and are finely detailed, so not much use to us, OR Govt strategy. See attachments please.

I am not copying to the media here - YOU DO IT.  

I am 81, and will survive for at least another 39 YEARS - OK for after that? Or start HEAVY with Govt NOW?

The Royal Academy of Engineering houses Directors, including embracing Lord Cullen in their midst - they are more money Govt men therefore, not so much Engineers, mostly.
WE are the REAL Engineers - in Engineering Council Institutions, and we try to adhere to a Good Code of  Conduct - it is the Directors of Companies who pay us tho ......


Omer Neutra Interview on CNN at 0912 ET today 
email   to CNN.    copy UN and.......      1Sept2024

101 hostages left in captivity - four names read out in that interview. Please read out the 40,000 names killed by Israel SO FAR! and thus balance your news......with many more Arab interviews too. I thought Hamas attacked too heavily last October too, but the response has been criminal supported by USA, and CNN paints .....oh, some other picture

CNN on Egypt TV too. What do they think of you....would some be misled by your Latest Hysteria? I call it Fake News because it paints only a partial small truth. Your CENSORSHIP of the Arab can so easily mislead the very stupid politician anywhere, especially in UK and USA - YOUR responsibility for Sneering at the Wrong people. 

CNN should learn to think, not just about money......which presumably comes from the USA, so it is biassed in that way too......

CNN are "encouraging" this war in USA Sycophant Israel's favour - to suppress Hamas's struggle against LONG Oppression!

.... and for 75 awful years since Israeli UN corrupt membership in 1949, No thought for the Arab at shallow media people just talk the latest info, and NEVER think of the USA BIASSED SLANT you are giving in the OVERALL picture.      ....... more sane than USA and their miserable sycophant UK. Have you thought at all about the competition, or just keep sneering at good other ones!

Publicise this too please :

who cares about money as long as you can survive .....OK?


Vee Stage 2 UN?     Many reasons to reconsider, now A?
       does the media double check its source AND the info? Prove it!

UN SCR 1701 MUST BE CHANGED    email 30aug2024

Please see MY OBJECTION below to Ambassador James Kariuki's statement in

in which I conclude

The UN MUST CHANGE its view of BULLY NIGGLING PROSELYTISING Israel, and stop ARMS being sold/transferred into Israel. A blockade against Israel should be introduced TODAY please.

Ambassador James Kariuki said :“All parties need to engage immediately with diplomatic efforts based on the principles set out in UN Security Council Resolution 1701.”

So, I looked it up …..


8. Calls for Israel and Lebanon to support a permanent ceasefire and a long term solution based on the following principles and elements:

– full respect for the Blue Line by both parties;

– security arrangements to prevent the resumption of hostilities, including the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani river of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon and of UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11, deployed in this area;

– full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of 27 July 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese State;

– no foreign forces in Lebanon without the consent of its Government;

– no sales or supply of arms and related materiel to Lebanon except as authorized by its Government;

– provision to the United Nations of all remaining maps of landmines in Lebanon in Israel’s possession;

Later …..

14. Calls upon the Government of Lebanon to secure its borders and other entry points to prevent the entry in Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel and requests UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11 to assist the Government of Lebanon at its request;


Why is Israel considered the good part and Hizbollah the bad? Why is Israel
allowed huge numbers of weapon deliveries from the USA, and Hizbollah not
at all from Iran? I support Hizbollah’s reaction against the bully Israel.

This is corruption driven by the USA and UK Governments in particular, to deny the
Arabs they have long held contempt for, the Right to have a Palestinian State, for 76 years. It is well known that Israel have denied Palestine a State in its “no state”
declarations for many years which gives it APPARENT (but morally illegal !) Authority in the UN, because Israel was granted UN membership in 1949, as if it owned Palestine and all the Arabs within it!!!! And NO Palestinian Arab State……

The UN have been corrupt ever since 1949 in its dealings with Israel, and the
Palestinians as supported by Hamas and Hizbollah, who have been denied
EVERYTHING – their Right to their own land and their right to OBJECT.

The Oslo Accords were an ugly acceptance of everything Israeli demanded (there
are months of NO RECORDS of the discussions in Norway) and they have been
more recently destroyed by Israel’s lawyers, niggling about EACH WORD (as they
pre-planned in Norway?), and denying the Arab everything today in the West Bank
and their Apartheid.

Israel should be denied huge weapons purchases, while the Palestinians allowed none as in this UN Resolution, causing huge military imbalance in the Middle East, and thus the continuing Conflict – of small arms fire, which is all the Palestinians can afford. The UN does not even see the difference between Israel’s military and the Freedom Fighters of Palestine, even assuming that Israel’s accusations are ACCURATE, when THEY ARE DELIBERATE MISLEADING NIGGLES triggering reactions from the “LITTLE” Arabs, to obtain as much support as corruptly possible from the UN against the Arab Freedom Fighter wanting their OWN LAND BACK. Israel have shown themselves to be Bullies ever since 1944 when they kept BREAKING The UN Legal Rules set up by Britain to RESTRICT the numbers of Jews entering Palestine, and In at least one case had to be shipped back to Europe by the British. The USA in unbalanced President Truman, supported this Jew CRIMINALITY.

If the UN had not known before, the current over 40,000 dead in Gaza is a testament to the Nazi type BULLY ISRAEL’s DENIAL of Human Rights there, and which the UN has not thought about and investigated the psychological approach of Israel to all its dealings with its OCCUPATION of Palestine (denied by the UN even of existing as an Arab community!), ever since the 1940’s – not just in 2023.

Calling Freedom Fighters “terrorists” is just one easy thing that bully Israel called for
and supported by USA and UK non-thinkers, because it means those who do not
have the resources to investigate, merely accept it without thought, and hence called for them to stop (in a UN unknowing vote), while all the time this was Israel’s Public Relations Team running the show, and the UN never even stopped to THINK and question the data in depth – you have to call a spade a spade to determine whether what you hear is the truth or fake news, and NONE of you have enlisted Qualified Investigatory help.

The UN MUST CHANGE its view of BULLY NIGGLING PROSELYTISING Israel, and stop ARMS being sold/transferred into Israel. A blockade against Israel should be introduced TODAY please.

                            Jim                30aug2024


email to the UN         30aug2024


The UNDHR was agreed by many Nations, including Britain, in 1948, but it was never introduced INTO Britain for 50 years (The UK Human Rights Act 1998), and brilliant WW2 Code Breaker at Bletchley Park in England, Alan Turing, died in 1954 as a result of a Magistrate (discrimination! - in spite of UNDHR Articles 5 and 7) imposing heavy drugs to "cure him" of homosexuality in 1953 - totally ignoring and not at all caring nor making any allowance for his very valuable contribution to defeating Hitler. See attached from my February 2024 visit to Bletchley Park, and my April 2024 visit to Alan's statue and poster in Manchester. 

Have you ever checked any Nation for its Internal Introduction in National Law of any or all UN Declarations or Treaty? I note Israel never agreed the UNDHR, but did they also internally disregard the ICCPR which they signed in 1991? ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Also ignored by them? the ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which they also signed in 1991.


email    to UN            30aug2024

My       Mr,   CEng and   FIMechE are all I will ever want as title.

The Uk Government must stop giving jobs to cronies......who swear allegiance to anything just to have an honour - I call them YES men - like young Admiral Radakin?

Any CEng in uk Government?      no


email to     Israel           28aug2024
copy to many incl UN

The attached graph shows the huge numbers of deaths by date in 2023 in the Israel-Hamas war, from 

By Mid November 2023, there were more dead civilians in Gaza than had died in Israel under the October Hamas attack and hostage captures.

If Israel had stopped then, Hamas would probably have returned the hostages, IF Israel agreed to The Two State Solution proposed by Hamas in 2017, and which Israel so despised then.

Today over 40,000 dead and why should Hamas give way unless Israel stops and agrees the Two State solution, instead of a No State solution.

You never asked did you Mr Netanyahu? - just your usual presumption that you are right and everyone else wrong, and civilian murder without restraint, not withstanding UN Declarations and Humanitarian Guidance. Ever hear of talking to people to find out why they do things, and why you should learn from them to think?

You have been very aggressive ever since Plan Dalet in March/April 1948, when Ariel Sharon's observance of instructions to "maximal killing and destruction of property" in Qibla, resulted in 69 dead, over retaliating for only 3 dead in Yehud two days before. Your declaration of The Israel State on 14 May 1948, was again more aggression, and Arabs immediately objected, to fight that perceived dominance in the UNGA Partition Plan (in your favour it seems to me.....why?). Strength in the IDF won the immediate short battle, but the long war continues today.

So, 76 years have gone by since those several aggressive moves, and you still have not learnt that Israeli aggression does not stop conflict. Similarly pre-empted strikes leaping over borders into other countries, merely continues the conflict, earning your own population's feelings of terror from retaliation. Other nations do not strike hard on those who exercise within their own borders.

The ceasefire talks are agreeing that ..... your continued killing, is not winning, nor any hostages back either! Stop and they might.....but you are not trustworthy for you are not normal, so it will take more time to observe your behaviour....If you had taken Hamas at face value in 2017, none of this would have happened. See my "JQ - The Middle East from 1922 - 2023nov08" first investigation review below, sent to many including Mr President Joe Biden, where I concluded Israel were equally to blame for 7 October 2023 - in my final page.

Israel are not winning long term either, for 76 years today could easily be 100 tomorrow if nothing changes in you.....

You have niggled at, and bullied, the Arabs for far too long......


email to all      Israeli expansionism          28aug2024

           with a para    Humanism  

this helps to describe me/us.... we respect all.... but factual evidence can disturb that, and calling a spade a spade necessary to secure relevant thinking



email to all    Israeli expansionism         27aug2024

1) Google tells me there are 204 million Muslims in India

2) Gandhi was Right about needing a one state solution where both Hindu and Muslim work together in Government: Now, Muslims are despised in India, Pakistan so very separate

3) accordingly, a One State solution in Palestine?- Jews very driven and organised (as in their 1945's+/50's illegal too many migration to Palestine) and their 2023/2024 driven treatment of Arabs in West Bank - Arabs nowhere near as organised (apart from Hamas?)  Rich and Poor too (so house buying, always Jew wins?).....- my worries, too difficult balance........not on

4) but control of separate Israel in a 2 state? ..........limits on military arms did not work in free Deutschland in 1920's and they grossly ignored that limit eventually, so UN occupation of Israel seems best to me, for three generations at least (as USA should in Afghanistan, not just 20 years - USA called it war, I call it Peacekeeping, and the USA politicians could have asked UN....but "war" hysteria, with very few USA casualties withdrew USA in unilateral stupidity, and UK a miserable sycophant).

I would not have been driven to UN Peacekeeping so ......forcefully, had there not been 40, wrongly, with millions made homeless, over 80,000 injured, families destroyed - there is something awful in Israel psyche, such evil mind and spirit. 

The IDF code is "defence needs attack", so they attack the smallest rabbit they can see - and anyone with an army exercising in their own country is a threat that must be eliminated and International Law does not apply to them! I have said before that Finland and Russia do not war, even though exercises are regularly held near their own border. Israel's warmongers accuse others of causing it, but it is them ALL THE TIME, leaping over other Country borders.

The Deutsch learnt a lot because of their 1930's and 40's (  The Great Depression  + Thoughts), but the Israeli have a single strong one religion people, and learning nowhere near as likely/obvious.....but lengthy time evaluated, maybe would tell.....

I note the Israeli never support other populations with money (I google searched "Israeli foreign aid budget"), but they like to train people inside Israel, or provide rescue services.....easy non committal Public Relations stuff......              well, "everybody" believes the PR !!!         Unreal......not me!

Are you predators? visit worthwhile - Al Kabla in Amr bin Al Ass in Cairo attached. Many Copt in Egypt too, a liberal Muslim country - I liked moral code expressed by Ibrahim and Mohamed. Mohamed is name of first born generally, so Ibrahim will have an older brother.

This is very interesting.... - found on BBC Afghan in Cairo. It is not on my Sky satellite TV in England, but SkyNewsArabia channel 788 is - in Arabic.

The Evolution chapter was removed, chapter 8 changed, and "TwentySix" added - my Correct book attached now available on Amazon at last, only as a paperback 


email    Israeli expansionism           24aug2024
to UN etc

On CNN just now - philadelphi corridor - NO WAY, GET OUT Israel

Hamas and I want the Israeli out of Gaza full stop.

We will want them out of the West Bank too.

Do NOT let Hamas back down please. This time Israel has to be stopped, with Egypt's help (remembering President Nasser's Leadership) - these Israeli Bullies have to be stopped.

The WHOLE Middle East (and other supporters) should turn up in Cairo and SUPPORT Hamas please.........and since time is short, advise Hamas that help is coming please.

an Egypt Govt email address found, and added.....


email The USA does not THINK            23aug2024

Kamala last night.  Pig ignorant about the Middle East, still saying Israel should defend itself and be armed to the hilt by the USA - against the terrorist Hamas, labelled as such by the Israeli and USA and others, because their STUPID policies are objected to by the LOCAL POPULATION represented by Freedom Fighters Hamas. Yeah she does not like the Gaza holocaust, but still says ARM ISRAEL TO THE HILT.

Iran have HAD TO develop a nuclear weapon - for the idiot USA gave several to over aggressive Israel, and they need a deterrent against the Israeli - the USA are stupid and blame Iran for USA stupidity!!

Israel and USA are the terrorists not Freedom Fighters Hamas, ever since President Truman supported the so superior, suck up to USA power, Jews after ww2 - because he had "no Arabs in his constituency" in the USA and he liked the Jews "he forced into the Arab constituency" so much more!!

Give her my November 2023 report somebody (sent to the White House by snail mail last November 2023 - in this blog below, titled The Middle East from 1922 ), Force Her To Read/Think about my Comment in the last two pages exactly as it was sent last November, and educate ......her.

And, this sent to :

Hi Mr President Joe Biden,          1805 ET     20 May 2024


It seems popularity means more to you than Human Rights.....


......for you have just said (according to the news here in the UK) that you think the ICC warrant to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes is outrageous - but he is a criminal for all the civilian murders he has caused in Gaza, or do you think there were none? - which is a big Israeli PR lie as you know well. And you continue to support Nazi Netanyahu's holocaust because there are so many Jew supporters in the USA? yes.

......for you pulled the last of your troops out of Afghanistan in August 2021, leaving so many in desperate Human Rights situations - half the population are in poverty and denied higher school and university education (what there is of it) - because of your need for selfish popularity in the USA? yes.

.....for your behaviour over Putin's invasion of Ukraine, where the right action would have been to send the Military in to Ukraine within a couple of weeks of 24 February 2022. Have you worked out the timeline between your pulling out of Afghanistan in August 2021 and his February 2022 invasion of Ukraine - Putin was right - you politicians are all wimps, and shuddered at the thought of a simple confrontation to stop Putin before he dug in ...... your popularity with the electorate again?, that denied the freedom your Military needed to act correctly.... yes.

You do know that they lengthily study aggressors and war games history, and are much better than you at that, for they know the consequences of their actions better than you - an incompetent amateur in these things, and you must consult more on ........ everything, please.

You know internal USA politics, but not international psychology.

Does USA Democracy breed loud, amateur, people to stand as Leaders?  yes ..... UK too. What should we do about that? Elected people can prioritise needs, but Well Qualified Experienced Designers should decide solutions.



You have to call a spade a spade if you want to solve problems well....


email to USA Pentagon           20aug2024

Action Mr and Ms USA please,

On CNN today, I was told that PM Netanyahu is creating obstacles to a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.  Netanyahu wants even more of the Middle East A, so does not want to stop his killing at all!  Are you helping Hamas to push against those Netanyahu obstacles, as a Humanitarian USA should?

Does Netanyahu instruct the IDF to collect parts of those they kill, to send to him for his collection? Or send a Certificate for PM signature, that this IDF gunshot employee has grown beyond teenager and passed the test to become a cruel Netanyahu man. at the Human in Front?

Do you Mr and Ms USA, know that there is much joy in Israel's Government over 40,000 so innocently dead? Which is why they are wanting more every day that passes?

And your Navy enjoying Rum and Coke on its Freedom Fat backside doing nothing in the Med/Red Sea, while good people are murdered by your Netanyahu!

I am a supporter of the Charity Sense, attached, and think you need such guiding support too, for your reactions are so gropingly slow, if any thought at all. 

As one of 7 billion, I can only paint a picture to illustrate what I see, to hope you will NOW listen and action with Care, having seen that the holocaust continues, not pausing to listen at the talks, but pushing more IDF action today.....

You are the Country and Navy, today, that has to Grow Up, for Netanyahu continues to suck up to you A - and you seem to be mesmerised in support of such gross indecency! Stop Netanyahu today please.


email copy "Humanity......"     to UN etc        18aug2024

FYI    attached

Israel is the terrorist, not Hamas, nor Hezbollah, nor Houthi - all freedom fighters against the Israeli proselytising apartheid aggressor (attached) in the West Bank too.

Anti-semitism is the bad practice of not allowing the Jews to practice their religion, BUT the Jews are also not allowed to interfere with or change my way of life either : UNDHR "Freedom of Religion or Belief".

The Israeli Government under Netanyahu is not obeying Noah's and Moses commandments as Jews profess to follow (for one), and (two) are acting like the Nazi in WW2 by causing a holocaust in Gaza because they see themselves, similarly, as superior beings, and (three), with USA and UK support since (YES) 1947-8, have treated the Arab as Vermin - using insidious chat against the Arab, quietly triggering President Nasser to close Israeli shipping lanes in retaliation, and using the missiles equivalent of rat killer for 76 years on and off, and (four) have destroyed hundreds of Arabs as if vermin, merely to release a hostage or two or three. Did anybody ask those hostages how they feel at so many dead for just their one life?

Protesting against the Israeli Government is not anti-semitism, for they are an EVIL (religion impure behaving) Government.


1) My planet has been destroyed by my star which is about to explode, will you please allow me to settle here?, for we have nowhere else to go now. We will work to make our way, if you will allow? We do not carry huge numbers of guns and missiles in our space craft, for we used that space for food for the journey. USA-Israel.......why did the Jews not politely ask, and pay their way, and agree a whole Palestine single state to work nicely with everybody in a One Parliament solution as in Northern Ireland?

2) Orang utan and Gorilla were both gentle creatures, but evolution produced the Chimpanzee who often screeches at and attacks others. Humans have evolved to be worse than Chimpanzees I think, introducing slavery and torture, far more aggression, and then war without compassion. In "The Tornado Engine +" I only introduced the physical side of ET, now I have introduced the psychological (brain control system) side- "unfortunate" evolution has occurred in Chimpanzee's and humans where Nature has had no design plan, just random mutation, triggered by almost anything (cosmic rays, gravity North-South swops, solar flares, asteroid impacts.....). 
The human is worse than the Chimpanzee who was also worse than the Gorilla.....Evolution has NOT produced a better species in humans, no matter what the "I AM RIGHT" people say. Unfortunately therefore, the child hood smack is a necessary way of helping controlling a poor mind (kids brains are not much different from Chimpanzee until older).....which as a fearful teenager later means they use knives on each other, or even later go to prison for uncontrolled crime.

3) So many wordy people think that humans needed speech to be able to do things - yup, that made for easy sniping at a distance, very aggressively - wordy people CAUSE WARS. They totally forget that humans survived better by far more useful tool making, and that humans have hunted in packs, as wolves do, to survive. Wordy people cause TROUBLE, for they do NOT think deeply enough, and do NOT ASK for HELP from better thinkers - just aggression all the time, as at UK PMQ's. It seems to me that visual expression, understood communication, smiling, grinning, hand and arm waving and movement, helping people cross the road safely, etc is all far better than the wordy person's sniping suspicion from afar, where it seems so many PRESUME the other's character is.....nasty. 
It is generally unusual for visual person contact to be with swords drawn at a long distance before seeing they are.......just the same 1.7m tall and discovering they are more generous with aid than you are - unless YOU Presume with H bombs that they WILL USE against you, NOW, and determine that you are ALWAYS RIGHT and THEY are NOT. Football fever.....has had to be controlled - so should ANY aggressor supported by over whelming Military - too much football fever in the UN? Or not enough "Smacks".

4) Always ask questions, investigate data as much as reasonably possible, and think, and ask others to help you think, for some are better than others - who need to be recognised in some agreed way.
If things are not quite right, suggest possible solutions, for lots of ideas do help those responsible to get things right, but note that some things have to be accepted, for others might be hurt worse by your suggested solution - hopefully, a Plain English explanation in the media.

5) Why should rich people benefit at your expense? The TV Licence in Britain charged the same for the poor as the rich, but the poor have no other entertainment opportunity! - it should be by general taxation where the rich do pay more, not individual exploitation. Why should Elon Musk fly hundreds of satellites above My House (in the Maldives, or Ougadougo,or Stroud in UK) thus cluttering space hugely for future generations to avoid, and to perhaps crash into My House after impact, just because as a billionaire he wants to make even more money through so-called communication improvements for the rich - those who have satellite phones - so he wants a big satellite launcher to make more money......from the USA taxpayer. 
Where is the UN Space Use Agreement that stops this individual's freedom from potentially devastating future lives? Why does Elon Musk not focus on building business in Yemen or Niger for example, giving equipment for free, like Charity NGO do all over the poor world - he might even generate more donations to help with a well funded good publicity campaign.

What is all this extra money he personally wants for? Why was he allowed to accumulate so much entirely for his own benefit, and to use it to dominate the entire world at his own choice? There are far more complainers, 6 billion, than cheering him on - so the majority wins, and he should be guided to do other things? - by considered agreement of course, not just a knee jerk execution. oh, not just one Stroud house at risk either, but the whole of Worried INDIA perhaps, in a psychological lottery of debris impact, or....


The Middle East from 1922                           8th November 2023

Hamas (UK/həˈmæs/ hə-MASSUS/həˈmɑːs/  hə-MAHSS;[57] ArabicحماسromanizedḤamās, IPA: [ħaˈmaːs]),[58] an acronym of its official name, the Islamic Resistance Movement (حركة المقاومة الإسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah), is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist[59] political and military organization governing the Gaza Strip of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.[60] Headquartered in Gaza City, it also has a presence in the West Bank (the larger of the two Palestinian territories), in which its secular rival Fatah exercises control.

In 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada against Israel, Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin. It emerged out of his Mujama al-Islamiya (Islamic Centre), which had been established in Gaza in 1973 as an Islamic charity involved with the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood.[21] Hamas became increasingly involved in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict by the late 1990s;[61] it opposed the Israel–PLO Letters of Mutual Recognition as well as the Oslo Accords, which saw Fatah renounce "the use of terrorism and other acts of violence" and recognize Israel in pursuit of a two-state solution. Hamas continued to advocate Palestinian armed resistance, won the 2006 Palestinian legislative election,[62] gaining a majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council,[63] and took control of the Gaza Strip from Fatah following a civil war in 2007.[64][65] Since then, it has run Gaza as a de facto autocratic and one-party state.[66][67][68]

While historically seeking an Islamic Palestinian state over the combined territory of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip (rejecting the two-state solution),[69][70] Hamas began negotiating with Israel and the 1967 borders in the agreements it signed with Fatah in 20052006 and 2007.[71] In 2017, Hamas released a new charter that supported a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders without recognizing Israel.[72][73][74][75] Hamas's repeated offers of a truce (for a period of 10–100 years[76]) based on the 1967 borders are seen by many as being consistent with a two-state solution,[77][78][79][80] while others state that Hamas retains the long-term objective of establishing one state in former Mandatory Palestine.[81][82] Under the ideological principles of Islamism, Hamas promotes Palestinian nationalism in an Islamic context; it has pursued a policy of jihad (armed struggle) against Israel.[c] It has a social service wing, Dawah, and a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.[d][e] Since the mid-1990s,[21] Hamas has gained widespread popularity within Palestinian society for its anti-Israeli stance.[86][87] The group's attacks, including suicide bombings against civilian targets and indiscriminate rocket attacks, have led many countries and academics[59] to designate Hamas a terrorist organization.[88][89][50] A 2018 attempt to condemn Hamas for "acts of terror" at the United Nations failed.[f]

The Gaza Strip is currently under blockade. Israel and Hamas have fought a number of wars there, including in 2008–09in 2012 and in 2014. In the 2023 war, Hamas launched "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" and its fighters broke through the Gaza barrier, attacked Israeli military bases, massacred civilians and took civilian and soldier hostages back to Gaza.[91][92][93] The attack has been described as the biggest military setback for Israel since the 1973 Arab–Israeli War. In response, Israel intensified the existing Gaza blockade and began a large-scale aerial bombardment campaign over the territory in preparation for a ground assault, having announced its intention to destroy Hamas.[94] The European Parliament and the US have also called for the elimination of Hamas

n advance of the publication, Netanyahu’s office said: “Hamas’s document is a smokescreen. We see Hamas continuing to invest all of its resources not just in preparing for war with Israel, but also in educating the children of Gaza to want to destroy Israel.”

 Hamas has unveiled a new political programme softening its stance on Israel by accepting the idea of a Palestinian state in territories occupied by Israel in the six-day war of 1967.

The new document states the Islamist movement it is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine.

The new document also insists that Hamas is a not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states such as Egypt.

The policy platform was announced by the head of the movement’s political bureau, Khaled Meshal, at a press conference in Doha. “Hamas advocates the liberation of all of Palestine but is ready to support the state on 1967 borders without recognising Israel or ceding any rights,” he said.

The move comes just two days before a White House meeting between Donald Trump and Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah movement remains at odds with Hamas.

But according to diplomatic sources, the new document has been in preparation for years and has been the subject of intense debate between the various Hamas factions in Gaza, in exile and in prison.

Although it does not explicitly supplant the previous charter of the founding fathers, seen by many as racist, it is being described by those seeking to help Hamas toward a more peaceful path as the contemporary summary of Hamas beliefs and aims.

Israel rejected the document before its full publication, with a spokesman for the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: “Hamas is attempting to fool the world, but it will not succeed.”

Ed Royce, the chair of the House foreign relations committee, said: “Until Hamas recognises Israel’s right to exist, its words are meaningless. I will see to it that Hamas remains designated a terrorist organisation as long as it continues to launch rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, remains an Iranian proxy, and engages in other acts that threaten the US and Israel.”

But some influential diplomatic figures will seek to persuade Trump’s Middle East advisers that the document at least shows there is the potential for a peace settlement based on the recent regional push led by Egypt. It may also open the way for international investors to start rebuilding basic services in Gaza, and end the blockade.

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.


Why now is the time to talk to Hamas   by   Tareq Baconi    2nd

This article is more than 6 years old

 May 2017

On Monday night, the head of 
Hamas’s political bureau, Khaled Meshal, officially unveiled the organisation’s much-anticipated “Document of general principles and policies” during a press conference in Doha.

Compared to the movement’s founding document, this new one is relatively nuanced and politically astute. Although it falls short of many privately voiced hopes regarding anticipated reforms within Hamas, it offers a fair representation of Hamas’s evolution as a movement and governing entity in Gaza nearly 30 years after its founding.


Hamas unequivocally supports the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital. It does not recognise the state of Israel or abandon the right of return of Palestinian refugees. Acquiescence to intermediate statehood while maintaining a commitment to the eventual liberation of Palestine is presented as a “formula of national consensus”. This phrase underscores the nature of this document as a compromise between Hamas’s various constituencies

The document explicitly differentiates between Jews and Judaism on the one hand, and political Zionism on the other, and notes that Hamas’s struggle is limited to the latter. It stresses that the Jewish people’s struggle with antisemitism is not tied to Arabs or Muslims but rather to Europe’s past.


his document is a counterweight to claims that Hamas is an irrational, fanatical and bloodthirsty group intent on murdering all Jews. However, the notion that it is a sign of absolute moderation or a volte face by Hamas is hype. The release of the document should be understood as a balancing act, an effort to allow pragmatism within Hamas to be presented publicly without undermining the movement’s ideological base. It is a diplomatic tool that opens space for both the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and the international community to engage with Hamas.


srael has systematically acted in violation of international law for decades, killing thousands of Palestinian civilians through its occupation and in warfare conducted in densely populated areas. This is not to say that the two sides are equivalent or to present a hierarchy of suffering. Rather it is to suggest that the premise of engagement and diplomacy cannot be withheld from one party and extended to another when both commit acts that violate international law.


Hamas’s political document is closer to the two-state framework than the manifesto of Likud, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s own political party


 Likud refuses to recognise the right of Palestinians to self-determination. The racist views of the Israeli political establishment have been met with a strengthening of diplomatic ties with the US and the UK, while Hamas continues to face marginalisation.


Despite its shortcomings, Hamas’s new document articulates political demands that have long been central to the Palestinian struggle, and that are enshrined in numerous UN resolutions, including the right of return.


Trenchant criticism of Zionism and its political manifestations in Israel today is hardly limited to Hamas or even to Palestinians. Israel has historically chosen to evade these political demands,

Hamas’s new document must be recognised as an opportunity to engage with a crucial interlocutor that continues to enjoy some legitimacy among its constituents.


The Kingdom of Egypt (Arabicالمملكة المصريةromanizedAl-Mamlaka Al-Miṣreyyalit. 'The Egyptian Kingdom') was the legal form of the Egyptian state during the latter period of the Muhammad Ali dynasty's reign, from the United Kingdom's recognition of Egyptian independence in 1922 until the abolition of the monarchy of Egypt and Sudan in 1953 following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Until the Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936, the Kingdom was only nominally independent, as the United Kingdom retained control of foreign relations, communications, the military, and Sudan. Officially, Sudan was governed as a condominium of the two states, however, in reality, true power in Sudan lay with the United Kingdom. Between 1936 and 1952, the United Kingdom continued to maintain its military presence, and its political advisers, at a reduced level.

The legal status of Egypt had been highly convoluted, due to its de facto breakaway from the Ottoman Empire in 1805, its occupation by Britain in 1882, and the re-establishment of the Sultanate of Egypt (destroyed by the Ottomans in 1517) as a British protectorate in 1914. In line with the change in status from sultanate to kingdom, the title of the reigning Sultan, Fuad I, was changed from Sultan of Egypt to King of Egypt. Throughout the Kingdom's existence, Sudan was formally united with Egypt. However, actual Egyptian authority in Sudan was largely nominal due to United Kingdom's role as the dominant power in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. As had been the case during the Khedivate of Egypt, and the Sultanate of Egypt, the Egyptian monarch was styled as the sovereign of "Egypt and Sudan".

During the reign of King Fuad, the monarchy struggled with the Wafd Party, a broadly based nationalist political organisation strongly opposed to British influence in Egypt, and with the British themselves, who were determined to maintain their control over the Suez Canal. Other political forces emerging in this period included the Communist Party (1925), and the Muslim Brotherhood (1928), which eventually became a potent political and religious force.

King Fuad died in 1936, and the throne passed to his 16-year-old son, Farouk. Rising nationalist sentiment in Egypt and Sudan, and British concern following Fascist Italy's recent invasion of Abyssinia led to the Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936, which required the United Kingdom to withdraw all troops from Egypt proper (excluding Sudan), except in the Suez Canal Zone (agreed to be evacuated by 1949), but permitted the return of British military personnel in the event of war. The Kingdom was plagued by corruption, and its subjects saw it as a puppet of the British, notwithstanding the bitter enmity between King Farouk and the United Kingdom during the Second World War, as evidenced by the Abdeen Palace incident of 1942. This, coupled with the defeat in the Palestine War of 1948–1949, led to the 1952 Egyptian Revolution by the Free Officers Movement. Farouk abdicated in favour of his infant son Ahmed Fuad, who became King Fuad II. In 1953 the monarchy was abolished, and the Republic of Egypt was established. The legal status of Sudan was only resolved in 1953, when Egypt and United Kingdom agreed that it should be granted independence in 1956.


In 1933, Hitler and the Jewish League agreed to the Haavara Agreement in which, over time, German Jews and their finances could and would settle in Mandatory Palestine. Furthermore, the Havaara Mark was used instead of the Deutschmark, because of its lower interest rates, and it was seen as more favourable. By the end of 1933, of the 600,000 German Jews, 100,000 had already emigrated to Palestine.[1] Following this, they discouraged emigration by restricting the amount of money Jews could take from German banks and imposed high emigrations taxes. The German government forbade emigration from the Greater Germanic Reich after October 1941. The German Jews who remained, about 163,000 in Germany and less than 57,000 from annexed Austria, were mostly elderly who were murdered in ghettos or taken to Nazi concentration camps, where most were murdered.[2] Jews were able to leave Vichy France until the fall of 1942.[3]

Although Jews could initially leave Nazi Germany with ease, it was difficult to find countries that would take them, particularly after the initial wave of immigrants in Europe, Britain, and the United States had been accepted.[2] One of the reasons that emigration was so difficult was that it began during the Great Depression.[1]


The 1936 UK Lord Peel Commission found that "though the Arabs have benefited by the development of the country owing to Jewish immigration, this has had no conciliatory effect. On the contrary, improvement in the economic situation in Palestine has meant the deterioration of the political situation".[17] Addressing the "Arab charge that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained", the Commission noted that "Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased."[18] They write that "The shortage of land is, we consider, due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population".[18] "Endeavours to control the alienation of land by Arabs to Jews have not been successful. In the hills there is no more room for further close settlement by Jews; in the plains it should only be allowed under certain restrictions."[15]


The Commission stated that Government have attempted to discharge the contradictory obligations of the Mandatory under conditions of great difficulty by "holding the balance" between Jews and Arabs. Repeated attempts to conciliate either race have only increased the trouble. The situation in Palestine has reached a deadlock.[15] Development of local autonomy and self-governing institutions, this also has been hampered.[15]


The history of Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser covers the period of Egyptian history from the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, of which Gamal Abdel Nasser was one of the two principal leaders, spanning Nasser's presidency of Egypt from 1956 to his death in 1970. Nasser's tenure as Egypt's leader heralded a new period of modernisation and socialist reform in Egypt, along with a staunch advocacy of pan-Arab nationalism (including a short-lived union with Syria), and developing world solidarity. His prestige in Egypt and throughout the Arab World soared in the wake of his nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company in 1956, and Egypt's political victory in the subsequent Tripartite Aggression, but was damaged badly by Israel's successful invasion and occupation of Jordanian, Egyptian, Palestinian, and Syrian territory in the Six-Day War of 1967.

The era witnessed a rapid increase in living standards unparalleled in Egypt's millennia of history, and is regarded as a time when ordinary Egyptian citizens enjoyed unprecedented access to housing, education, employment, healthcare, and nourishment, as well as other forms of social welfare, while the influence of the former aristocracy waned, as did that of the Western governments that had hitherto dominated Egyptian affairs.[1][2] The national economy grew significantly through agrarian reform, major modernisation projects, such as the Helwan steel works, and the Aswan High Dam, and the nationalisation of key parts of the economy, notably the Suez Canal Company.[1][2] At its economic peak, Nasser's Egypt was capable of not only offering free education and healthcare to its own citizens but also to the citizens of other Arab and African countries, who were offered full scholarships and living allowances to undertake higher education in Egypt before returning to their home countries. However, the substantial economic growth that marked the early 1960s took a downturn later in the decade, particularly as Egypt's military quagmire in the North Yemen Civil War deepened, only recovering in the late 1970s.[3] During Nasser's time in office, Egypt experienced a golden age of culture, particularly in theatre, film, poetry, television, radio, literature, fine arts, comedy, and music.[2][4] Egypt under Nasser dominated the Arab World in these fields, with Egyptian musical artists such as Abdel Halim Hafez,[4] Umm Kulthum, and Mohammed Abdel Wahab, literary figures such as Naguib Mahfouz, and Tawfiq el-Hakim,[2] actors such as Faten HamamaSalah ZulfikarSoad Hosny and Rushdi Abaza,[4] and the release of over 100 films yearly, compared to the production of just more than a dozen annually during Hosni Mubarak's presidency (1981–2011).[2]


The Suez Crisis (also called the Second Arab–Israeli war,[8][9][10] the Tripartite Aggression[a] in the Arab world[11] and the Sinai War[b] in Israel)[c] was an invasion of Egypt and the Gaza Strip in late 1956 by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had just[12] nationalised the foreign-owned Suez Canal Company, which administered the canal. Israel's primary objective was to re-open the blocked Straits of Tiran.[13] After the fighting had started, political pressure from the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations led to a withdrawal by the three invaders. The episode humiliated the United Kingdom and France and strengthened Nasser.[14][15][16]

On 26 July 1956, Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal Company, which prior to that was owned primarily by British and French shareholders. On 29 October, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai. Britain and France issued a joint ultimatum to cease fire, which was ignored. On 5 November, Britain and France landed paratroopers along the Suez Canal. The Egyptian forces, before they were defeated, blocked all ship traffic by sinking 40 ships in the canal. It later became clear that Israel, France and Britain had conspired to plan the invasion. The three allies had attained a number of their military objectives, but the canal was useless. Heavy political pressure from the United States and the USSR led to a withdrawal. U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower had strongly warned Britain not to invade; he threatened serious damage to the British financial system by selling the U.S. government's pound sterling bonds. Historians conclude the crisis "signified the end of Great Britain's role as one of the world's major powers".[17][18][19][20][page needed]

The Suez Canal was closed from October 1956 until March 1957. Israel fulfilled some of its objectives, such as attaining freedom of navigation through the Straits of Tiran, which Egypt had blocked to Israeli shipping since 1948–1950.[21][22]

As a result of the conflict, the United Nations created the UNEF Peacekeepers to police the Egyptian–Israeli border, British prime minister Anthony Eden resigned, Canadian external affairs minister Lester Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the USSR may have been emboldened to invade Hungary.[23][24]


Nasser's response was the nationalisation of the Suez Canal. On 26 July, in a speech in Alexandria, Nasser gave a riposte to Dulles. During his speech he deliberately pronounced the name of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the builder of the canal, a code-word for Egyptian forces to seize control of the canal and implement its nationalisation.[108] He announced that the Nationalization Law had been published, that all assets of the Suez Canal Company had been frozen, and that stockholders would be paid the price of their shares according to the day's closing price on the Paris Stock Exchange.[109] That same day, Egypt closed the canal to Israeli shipping.[110] Egypt also closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, and blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba, in contravention of the Constantinople Convention of 1888. Many argued that this was also a violation of the 1949 Armistice Agreements.[111][112]

According to the Egyptian historian Abd al-Azim Ramadan, the events leading up to the nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company, as well as other events during Nasser's rule, showed Nasser to be far from a rational, responsible leader. Ramadan notes Nasser's decision to nationalise the Suez Canal without political consultation as an example of his predilection for solitary decision-making.[113]


The exodus of the Mutamassirun ("Egyptianized"), which included the British and French colonial powers, and also the Jews, Greeks, Italians, Syro-Lebanese and the Armenians, began after World War I.[1] By the end of the 1960s, the exodus of the "foreign population" was effectively complete. According to Andrew Gorman, this was primarily a result of the "decolonization process and the rise of Egyptian nationalism".[2][3][4] Following the invasion of Egypt by Britain, France and Israel in 1956, the new president Gamal Abdel Nasser enacted a set of sweeping regulations abolishing civil liberties whilst implementing targeted policies, allowing the state to stage mass arrests and strip away Egyptian citizenship from any group it desired.[5] Some lawyers, engineers, doctors and teachers were no longer allowed to work in their professions.[6] As part of its new policy, 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government.[7] Jewish bank accounts were confiscated and many people lost their jobs.[6]

The actions taken to encourage emigration or expel the foreign minorities applied to the whole Mutamassirun population, and after 1956 a large majority of GreeksSyro-LebaneseItalians, Belgians, French, and British, including Jews, left the country.[8][failed verification] The expellees were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations "donating" their property to the Egyptian government.[9]

On 9 December 1956, Egyptian Interior Minister Zakaria Mohieddin stated that of Egypt's 18,000 British and French citizens, 1,452 had been ordered to be expelled.[10]

Jews, especially those with free professions and relatives in Israel.[6] Although there was an indigenous Jewish population, most Jews in Egypt in the early twentieth century were recent immigrants to the country, who did not share the Arabic language and culture


Suez Canal Authority (SCA) is an Egyptian state-owned authority which owns, operates and maintains the Suez Canal. It was set up by the Egyptian government to replace the Suez Canal Company in the 1950s which resulted in the Suez Crisis. After the UN intervened, the three invading countries (France, Israel, and the United Kingdom) were forced to withdraw.

SCA is an independent authority having legal personality. SCA[2] was established by the nationalization act signed on 26 July 1956 by the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. The act at the same time nationalized the Suez Canal Company and transferred all its assets and employees to the SCA established by this act.[3]

The head office is located in Ismaïlia. In Port Said the administration building of the earlier Suez Canal Company is used. Its board of directors comprises 14 persons, including the chairman and managing director.[citation needed]


SCA owns the Suez Canal and all areas, buildings and equipment pertaining thereto.[clarification needed] SCA issues the Rules of Navigation, specifies the tolls for the use of the canal and collects them. The tolls are expressed in XDR and collected in USDGBPEUR and other currencies.[which?] In 2008, the total revenue in tolls was 5,381.9 million USD for the passage of a total of 21,415 vessels - resulting in an average toll of 251,314.5 USD per vessel.[citation needed]

SCA is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Suez Canal, for the safety of the traffic and for all other matters relating thereto. According to the nationalisation act, SCA is bound by the 1888 Convention of Constantinople, which grants the right of free access and use of the canal at equal conditions to all ships, commercial ships and ships of war, in times of peace or of war, even to ships of belligerent parties.


SCA is responsible for the computerized traffic management supported by radar, for the 14 pilot stations and their pilots. Since 1996, SCA operates the Maritime Training and Simulation Center for its pilots. SCA operates some 60 ships and boats, such as tugsdredgerscranes, and smaller boats.[citation needed]

According to SCA's web site, its facilities also include 114 ferry connections with 36 ferry boats; the Ahmed Hamdi road tunnel; the Nile Shipyard; the roads alongside the canal; a silk production in a farm at Serabium using treated sanitary waste water for irrigation; water plants in the canal cities; 12,000 housing units; a hospital in Ismailia and emergency hospitals at both ends of the canal; 4 schools and various sports and recreational centers.


The West Bank (Arabicالضفة الغربيةaḍ-Ḍiffah al-ĠarbiyyahHebrewהַגָּדָה הַמַּעֲרָבִיתHaGadáh HaMaʽarávit) is the larger of the two Palestinian territories (the other being the Gaza Strip). A landlocked territory near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the Levant region of Western Asia.[2] It is bordered by Jordan and the Dead Sea to the east and by Israel (via the Green Line) to the south, west, and north.[3]

The region initially emerged as a Jordanian-occupied territory after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, before being annexed outright by Jordan in 1950, and was given its name during this time based on its location on the western bank of the Jordan River. The territory remained under Jordanian rule until 1967, when it was captured and began to be occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War. Since then, Israel has administered the West Bank – sans East Jerusalem – as the Judea and Samaria Area division. The mid-1990s Oslo Accords split the West Bank into three regional levels of Palestinian sovereignty, via the Palestinian National Authority (PNA): Area A (PNA), Area B (PNA and Israel), and Area C (Israel, comprising 60% of the West Bank). The PNA exercises total or partial civil administration over 165 Palestinian enclaves across the three areas. As both Palestinian territories (including East Jerusalem) are claimed by the State of Palestine, they remain central to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to be illegal under international law.[4][5][6][7] Area C contains 230 Israeli settlements into which Israeli law is applied and under the Oslo Accords was supposed to be mostly transferred to the PNA by 1997, but this did not occur.[8] Citing the 1980 Jerusalem Law (in which Israel claimed Jerusalem as its capitol), the 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty, and the Oslo Accords, a 2004 advisory ruling by the International Court of Justice concluded that the West Bank and East Jerusalem remain Israeli-occupied territory.[9]

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has a land area of 5,640 square kilometres (2,180 square miles) plus a water area of 220 km2 (85 sq mi), consisting of the northwestern quarter of the Dead Sea. It has an estimated population of 2,747,943 Palestinians, and over 670,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank, of which approximately 220,000 live in East Jerusalem.[10][11]

The Sinai Peninsula came under military occupation by Israeli forces after Israel's seizure of the region from Egypt during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israeli provisional control over the Sinai Peninsula ended in 1982 following the implementation of the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty, which saw Israel return the region to Egypt in exchange for the latter's recognition of Israel as a legitimate sovereign state.

A total of 18 Israeli settlements were established in the region during the occupation, primarily along the Gulf of Aqaba and in the northeast portions located south of the Gaza Strip.

The Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt in multiple stages beginning in 1979 as part of the Egypt–Israel peace treaty.[1] Israel dismantled 18 settlements, 2 air force bases, a naval base, and other installations by 1982, including most oil resources under Israeli control.

Israeli forces first seized the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula during the Suez Crisis of October–November 1956. Under heavy international pressure, Israeli forces withdrew in March 1957, after heavily mapping the territory and placing secret supply caches in preparation for the next war. As part of the conditions for the Israeli withdrawal, the Sinai Peninsula was demilitarized and the UNEF peacekeeping force was established there to police the border between Israel and Egypt. In May 1967, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the withdrawal of this force and moved Egypt's own troops into the area. Israel, believing war to be imminent, ultimately launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, beginning the Six-Day War. Within three days, Israel had occupied most of the Sinai Peninsula.


Israeli forces first seized the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula during the Suez Crisis of October–November 1956. Under heavy international pressure, Israeli forces withdrew in March 1957, after heavily mapping the territory and placing secret supply caches in preparation for the next war. As part of the conditions for the Israeli withdrawal, the Sinai Peninsula was demilitarized and the UNEF peacekeeping force was established there to police the border between Israel and Egypt. In May 1967, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the withdrawal of this force and moved Egypt's own troops into the area. Israel, believing war to be imminent, ultimately launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, beginning the Six-Day War. Within three days, Israel had occupied most of the Sinai Peninsula.

Following the Israeli capture and occupation of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt launched the War of Attrition (1967–1970) aimed at forcing Israel to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula. The war saw protracted conflict in the Suez Canal Zone, ranging from limited to large scale combat. Israeli shelling of the cities of Port SaidIsmailia, and Suez on the west bank of the canal, led to high civilian casualties (including the virtual destruction of Suez), and contributed to the flight of 700,000[2] Egyptian internal refugees. Ultimately, the war concluded in 1970 with no change in the front line.[3] On 6 October 1973, Egypt commenced Operation Badr to retake the Sinai Peninsula, while Syria launched a simultaneous operation to retake the Golan Heights, thereby beginning the Yom Kippur War (known in Egypt and much of Europe as the October War). The canal was reopened in 1975, with President Sadat leading the first convoy through the canal aboard an Egyptian destroyer. In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in which Israel agreed to withdraw from the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula. Israel subsequently withdrew in several stages, ending on 26 April 1982.


Agriculture in Israel is a highly developed industry. Israel is a major exporter of fresh produce and a world-leader in agricultural technologies despite the fact that the geography of the country is not naturally conducive to agriculture. More than half of the land area is desert, and the climate and lack of water resources do not favor farming. Only 20% of the land area is naturally arable.[1] In 2008, agriculture represented 2.5% of total GDP and 3.6% of exports.[2] While farmworkers made up only 3.7% of the work force, Israel produced 95% of its own food requirements, supplementing this with imports of grain, oilseeds, meat, coffee, cocoa and sugar.



JQ Comment 2023nov08:

The current military activities between Israel and Hamas are a direct result of Israel and THE WEST  FAILING to accept Hamas “document-of-general-principles-and-policies” in 2017 at FACE VALUE.

THAT IS OVER ACTIVE SUSPICION AND PREJUDICE – caused by Western style democratic countries not Understanding what democracy is all about – freedom of expression and respect for others, and NOT RESIDING in the past, but learning from it.

When the West oh so politely speaks in the UN, Palestine are not able to speak - As a non-member observer, Palestine can speak at UN meetings but can't vote on resolutions about the situation in Gaza. The 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly are expected to vote on the Israel-Gaza war on Friday 10th November 2023, but as an observer rather than a member, Palestine will not have a say! It is like criticising my swearing, when you so strongly criticise or muscle me – you are thus swearing too, but not using such words as I do. Sneer is a swear word in my world, and officials do it all the time! Donald Trump and Boris Johnson especially.

The data I have collected above shows that the Middle East’s problems are mostly personality clashes, where dictatorship has ruled rather than consensus – a word which Hamas has used, but nobody else!

The 1936 UK Peel Commission even blamed the Palestinians for population growth, even though so many Jews had come to settle there.

I am suspicious of why Israel will not hand the West Bank and Gaza Strip back to Palestine, as a country. The West Bank has much fertile arable land – and thus the Israeli 2017 suspicion hides …… something more? !

Terrorism comes about because of failure to agree a consensus with their minority view, by failing to persuade, or to even try to persuade, and by imposing autocracy, dictatorship, or even muscle to SHOW GOVERNMENT IS ALWAYS RIGHT.    Israel is showing that is wrong – now! And there are many in the Gaza Strip killed and wounded – more than in Israel !! Who is the terrorist?

It seems to have taken Hamas 6 years to collect enough weapons to strike hard at Israel, for so not negotiating with their 2017 suggestion, and they struck in 2023.  Israel has hit back extremely hard and over the top if Gaza numbers killed and wounded is believed, but they were the cause of the Hamas attack in the first place.

Just like in the Suez crisis, Israel STRODE IN, with UK and French help, to declare their need for access via the Red Sea, but they could have freighted their products via the Mediterranean, and around Africa – it was presumably cheaper to have a war than to pay for the extended travel time to the Far East??

And the 6 Day war in 1967? An Israeli pre-empt, based upon President Nasser’s take over of the Sinai peninsula – Israel may be scared, but surely that means negotiation would be a good starter? The Sinai was Egypt’s anyway, but it was previously taken away by UK imperialism – and then UK resignation.

The problems really started because of Hitler in the 1930’s when so many Jews needed a home – and found many Nations would only accept small numbers. Big numbers went to Palestine as a result, muscling their way in amongst the Palestinians – and were scared it would all happen again, so they have become aggressive! And are showing it today.

This is now a humanitarian crisis, and we should all be trying to promote a ceasefire, not siding with either party to the conflict. A ceasefire would be welcome, on the basis that ISRAEL in 2017, and as a result, HAMAS in 2023, are BOTH at fault here.

It was/is wrong to claim Hamas is a terrorist organisation, and not blame Israel for them becoming so. It is like declaring your friend cannot be wrong, because they ARE your friend, and can never make a mistake of arrogance and short sightedness. Or strongly supporting the local football team, even when they, or their crowd, are behaving poorly…....

For THE WEST to side with Israel so obviously, just makes the Arab World hate us more – our SHORT-SIGHTED-NESS and LACK OF INSIGHT is NOT helping.


Jim Quinn BSc CEng FIMechE CPD